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IBS Conferences
채용공고 : 담당자, 이메일, 담당 연락처, 담당처, 접수일, 점수마감일, 상태, 첨부파일, 내용을 보여준다
공고명 Junior Research Team Leader/Tenure Track Faculty Position
담당자 복잡계 이론물리 연구단 채용담당자 이메일 mykim@ibs.re.kr 담당자 연락처 042-878-8631
담당처 복잡계 이론물리 연구단 시작일 2015-10-29 마감일 2015-11-12
상태 마감

Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems

Junior Research Team Leader/Tenure Track Faculty Position

The Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems invites applications for one Junior Research Team Leader/Tenure Track Faculty position in the broad field of condensed matter physics, mesoscopics, and the physics of light.

The focus of the position will be on uncovering fundamental nonlinear and many-body processes in trapped atomic condensates, superconducting networks, metamaterials, quantum dot arrays, plasmonic and nanophotonic structures, and mesoscopics, among others. New proposed directions are highly welcomed.

Strong oral and written communication skills, excellent computational skills and the ability to lead a research project with allocated Center members are essential for all positions. Applicants should have a PhD, postdoctoral research experience, as well as a strong interest to work in a multidisciplinary and dynamic research environment.

The duration of the positions will be for three years, with the possibility of prolongation for two additional years. The salary will be commensurate with experience. The teams draw on infrastructure and administration of the Institute for Basic Science, Korea, and are provided with research expenses including travel expenses and conference participation fees. The successful candidate will lead a team of two to four center members on postdoctoral and PhD levels.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV (including a publication list), a detailed team research plan and arrange for three letters of recommendations directed to Dr. Sergej Flach via email (pcs@ibs.re.kr)



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인재경영팀 : 김주연   042-878-8269
최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20