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공고명 2015-01 Job Announcement for Research Positions at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
담당자 손재린 이메일 csohn@ibs.re.kr 담당자 연락처 052-217-5753
담당처 다차원 탄소재료 연구단 시작일 2015-11-04 마감일 2015-11-20
상태 마감

2015-01 Job Announcement for Research Positions at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials

The Institute for Basic Science is a national research institution established in accordance with Article 14 of the “Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belt”. The Institute aims at discovering creative knowledge and securing platform technologies through world-level basic science research. The IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials invites creative and dynamic talent who will help us achieve our goals.

■ Job Description

Research Center
(Place of Employment)
Work Category Recruitment Area Required Qualifications (Tentative)
Open Positions
Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
(UNIST, Ulsan)
Research Fellow
-Materials Chemistry - Degree: Doctoral degree
- Major: Chemistry or other related majors
- Preference: Materials chemistry, previous postdoctoral experience highly desired
※Cf. below

※ We seek candidates for a tenure track position with specialty in chemical synthesis and materials/science chemistry. The candidate needs to be fluent in both oral and written English, and will work on projects aimed at the creation of novel carbon and related materials. It is highly desirable that the candidate has working experience with (i) synthesis of polymers (ii) synthesis of nanoporous materials (iii) electrochemical synthesis and electrochemical measurements (iv) material characterization techniques ranging from various electron microscope modalities, XRD, XPS, NMR, thermal analysis, various spectroscopies (Raman, FT-IT, UV-Vis-NIR), among others. In addition, familiarity with the basic aspects of carbon materials is valued.

※ Classification of Research Positions (tenure-track and non-tenure-track)

  1. 1. Types of Appointment
    • ‣ Tenure-track

      - Those in tenure-track research positions are eligible for a tenure evaluation* if they have met certain requirements.

    • ‣ Non-tenure-track

      - Those in non-tenure-track research positions are not eligible for a tenure evaluation and their contracts are terminated upon expiration.
      * Tenured researcher: Tenured researchers are continuously employed until the age of 65 with no need to renew their contracts.

  2. 2. Terms and Conditions

    - Researchers are hired under employment contracts and the term of their initial contracts does not exceed five years (not for tenured researchers).

  3. 3. Tenure-track
    • ‣ Tenure evaluation

      - If those in tenure-track research positions have met certain requirements, the Personnel Committee for IBS Research Centers will conduct a tenure evaluation on whether to appoint them as tenured researchers.

    • ‣ Re-evaluation and retirement

      - If they fail to obtain tenure, then they must be re-evaluated within a fixed period set by the IBS president.
      (If they fail a second time, they must, ipso facto, leave after a grace period of no more than one year.)

  4. 4. Non-tenure-track

    - The term of their contracts does not exceed five years, and they must, ipso facto, leave after their contracts expire.
    (They may be re-appointed to tenure-track positions upon a special evaluation.)

    - Once the initial contract expires, the IBS president may grant a contract renewal with a term that does not exceed three years.

■ Qualifications

[General Qualifications]
  • • Applicants must not be disqualified under Article 33 of the “State Public Officials Act”.
  • • Applicants must have completed mandatory military service or be exempt from such service, and they must not be prohibited from traveling abroad.
  • • In accordance with relevant laws and decrees, persons with disabilities, or persons eligible for patriot & veteran benefits and their family members are given preference if they submit supporting documents. (Additional points granted)
  • • Female scientists and engineers
  • • Persons with degrees and certificates in the relevant area
  • • Persons with fluency in foreign languages

■ Screening Stage

Screening Stage Review Criteria Required Documents
Combined Document Screening -Relevancy to the recruitment area
-Excellence of research achievements
-Full transcripts of the completed curricula equivalent to university and higher
-Development potential
-Application form and list of research achievements
-Other required documents may vary according to each research center.
※Submit via e-mail.
Interview -Expertise in the recruitment area
-Attitudes and adaptability to organizational culture
-Presentation skills and diligence
-Development potential
-Application form and list of research achievements
-Other required documents may vary according to each research center.
※Submit via e-mail.

■ Application Method and Period

  • ○Application method: Fill in the application form and submit via e-mail (csohn@ibs.re.kr)
  • ○Application period: Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 ~ 18:00, Friday, November 20th, 2015

■ Additional Information

  • ○Applicants take full responsibility for any consequences resulting from omissions and errors found in the documents, not submitting required documents, etc. If any information in the required documents is proven false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • ○None of the submitted documents will be returned.
  • ○If disqualified based on the results of a background check and job-related physical examination, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • ○If no suitable candidate is found during the screening stage, IBS may close the job opening.
  • ○If hired, the work level, annual salary, etc. will comply with IBS standards.
  • ○Place of employment: Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM, UNIST, Ulsan)
  • ○Inquiries: Ms. Cherin Sohn at the IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
    (Tel.: 052-217-5753; fax: 052-217-5759, e-mail: csohn@ibs.re.kr)

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