IBS announces an open invitation for a new IBS president 게시판 상세보기
Title of announcement IBS announces an open invitation for a new IBS president
Business forms Others Expiration date for bidding
Department in charge 전체관리자 Registration Date 2014-05-25 Hits 3349
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IBS announces an open invitation for a new IBS president

- IBS seeks an individual with strong leadership skills and a compelling vision to lead the institute into the future -

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and the Presidential Search/Nomination Committee (PSC)
an open recruitment for a second IBS president to serve a five-year term. The recruitment
will last for forty days, starting
from Monday, May 26 until the closing date, Friday, July 4.

This announcement is now available in both domestic and internationally prestigious journals and media including Nature, Science, the Chronicle of Higher Education, etc. to attract leaders who are actively engaged in basic science on the global stage.

Qualifications for the position include Compelling vision and strategic thinking to lead IBS as a global research institute Expert knowledge and significant experience in basic science and scientific policies Recognized leadership skills in managing and directing a scientific research organization Demonstrated ability to innovate within an organization, etc.

Applicants should prepare all required documents including an application form (or letter of recommendation from an organization or institution), introductory letter, duty execution plan, etc. All application materials should be submitted by 18:00 (KST), Friday, July 4, 2014 either in person at IBS, via mail* or online** .

* Mailing address: Planning & Budgeting Team, Institute for Basic Science
                             70, Yuseong-daero 1689-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea (305-811)

** Online application address: www.ibs.re.kr/president

IBS is a government-funded research institute that was established in November 2011 by the Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belts, with the purpose of securing and advancing discoveries in basic science and groundbreaking technology through world-class basic science research.

For more information on IBS, please visit www.ibs.re.kr/en

For more detailed information on the new IBS president invitation, please visit www.ibs.re.kr/president or call the Planning & Budgeting Team at IBS +82-42-878-8159.

[Appendix] Invitation Announcement for New IBS President