Open Symposium at the IBS Center for Underground Physics (25 July) 게시판 상세보기
공고명 Open Symposium at the IBS Center for Underground Physics (25 July)
업무형태 입찰마감일
담당처 연구평가팀 등록일 2024-06-27 조회 42

Open Symposium at the IBS Center for Underground Physics (25 July)

We cordially invite you to attend an open symposium hosted by the IBS Center for Underground Physics (Director: KIM Yeongduk) on its major achievements for the past six years.

This symposium will be held from 12:45 PM to 13:55 PM on 25 July 2024 at IBS HQ (Conference Room B109) in Daejeon. Please refer to the detailed proceedings in the table below.

TimeTalk TitleSpeaker
12:45-13:15Status of CUP and Neutrino Physics ProgramsKIM Yeongduk
13:15-13:35Resolving DAMA/LIBRA with COSINE-100LEE Hyunsu
(Associate Director)
13:35-13:55Magnetic Microcalorimeters for Astroparticle Physics ApplicationsKIM Yong-Hamb
(Associate Director)

* Pre-registration is not required.

* Inquiries: IBS Research Evaluation Team (