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IBS Conferences

Total : 3

질문 3.1. How will the research budget size and operation and labor cost be determined?

Negotiation with the Center’s director takes place using the proposed budget stated on the associate director application as reference. The negotiated budget requires approval from the IBS President.

질문 3.2. Who owns research papers and intellectual property rights that are produced as a result of Centers’ research?

In principle, the ownership of tangible and non-tangible research outcomes, such as papers and intellectual property rights that are produced as results of HQ Centers’ projects, belong to IBS. In the case of papers, if authors of papers have affiliations other than IBS, such affiliations may be indicated along with IBS.

In the case of Campus and Extramural Centers, the ownership of research outcomes is shared with the host institution of the Campus Center in a ratio of 1:1 or the host institution of the Extramural Center in a ratio of 2:3.

질문 3.3. How are Center performance reviews conducted and what happens when Centers close?

Center reviews take place every three years. Newly-established Centers will have an interim assessment (similar to that of a consultation, which should not be considered as a review) two years after their opening, then undergo a Center review on a three-year basis. In other words, 5th year review, 8th year review, 11th year review and the like will take place. A Center may be subject to termination according to the results of its 8th year review or later reviews. If the Center is determined to close, HQ associate directors may be assigned to other Centers in a relevant field and Campus and Extramural associate directors will lose their associate directorship.


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Content Manager
Research Evaluation Team : Lee Yu Jung   042-878-8288
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20