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IBS Conferences
IBSPCS-APCTP International Workshop Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems (CAMS-2022) 게시판 상세보기
제목 IBSPCS-APCTP International Workshop Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems (CAMS-2022)
작성자 전체관리자 등록일 2022-06-29 조회 471
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.JPG thumb.JPG

IBSPCS-APCTP International Workshop Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems (CAMS-2022)

The theoretical description of magnetism is among the most challenging tasks in condensed matter physics. Often, the physics of magnetism requires the accurate evaluation of competing energies and is manifested in the regime where local and itinerant electron physics meet. For a better understanding of magnetism, and related phenomena, diverse computational approaches, based on the mean-field theory as well as on many-body physics, are required. The continuous improvement of computing power has fueled much progress during the last decade, and computational magnetism is an extremely dynamic field, where extensive developments are routinely made. In this workshop, continuing with our previous successful practice, we intend to gather outstanding and active young researchers in the computational and/or the theoretical field worldwide and discuss cutting-edge research and current problems in the field of magnetism. The covered topics will include various methods, as e.g. density functional theory, dynamical mean-field theory, diagrammatic approaches, and field theories. Diverse physical phenomena such as metal-insulator transitions, magnetic phase transitions, and superconductivity, in a wide range of systems from conventional metal to correlated systems, will be covered. We hope this workshop will act as a continuous platform for discussion and collaboration among especially young researchers in the field, as successfully done in previous events.

Topics include:

  • ● Application of computational methods to realistic systems
  • ● Itinerant magnetism
  • ● Strong spin-orbit coupling
  • ● Superconductivity
  • ● Low-dimensional systems
  • ● Materials design

To apply for participation in the workshop, please complete the online application form by July 16, 2022.

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Gileun Lee - pcs@ibs.re.kr

Visitor Program, PCS IBS, Daejeon, Korea

PCS 2022 CAMS Poster


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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20