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LSIPR 50: 김두철 원장 선정 게시판 상세보기
제목 LSIPR 50: 김두철 원장 선정
부서명 대외협력실 등록일 2017-11-10 조회 2707

LSIPR 50: 김두철 원장 선정

김두철 원장이 유럽의 생명과학 지적재산권 전문매체인 'LSIPR(Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review)에서 매해 선정하는 50인의 주요 인사에 2017년 정부 및 정책 부분에 이름을 올렸다. LSIPR은 영국에 본사를 두고 있으며 유전자 특허부터 줄기세포 연구까지 생명과학 연구를 분석하고 제공하는 전문 매체다.

매해 생명과학 분야에 지대한 영향을 끼친 인사들을 선정하고 있으며, 2017년에는 2017년에는 정부와 정책, 사업과 혁신, 법과 규제, 투자 4부문에서 50명을 발표했다. 생명과학 분야 지적재산권의 영향력 확대와 발전에 노력을 쏟고 있는 인사들을 선정함으로써 통찰력을 제공하고자 한다.

LSIPR은 김두철 원장이 IBS 원장을 맡아 한국의 R&D 정책을 이끌고 있으며 과학자로서의 김 원장의 그동안의 이력에 대해 소개하는 페이지를 구성했다. 한편 50인 중 한국인은 김두철 원장이 유일하며 정부와 정책 분야에 시진핑 중국 국가주석이 함께 이름을 올렸다.

Doochul Kim was selected in the LSIPR
(Life Science Intellectural Property Review) 50 2017 publication
for​ ​his influence on the life sciences industry.
He featured in the government and policy​ ​section, as LSIPR reports.

Name: LSIPR 50 2017: Doochul Kim
Organisation: Institute for Basic Sciecne
Position: President

Acoording to science Journal Nature, South Korea's spending on R&D has soared to more than 4% of its GDP-more than any other country in the world and double that of China and the EU.

Doochul Kim, president of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), a government-funded research body, says that his institute reveives much goverment money.

"We have large funding and you can do whatever you want to," Kim told Nature.

Kim is also professor emeritus at Seoul National University and a professor at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS).

Kim is a theoretical physicist whi is well versed in statistical physics. He received a BS in electronic engineering from Seoul National University in 1970, and a ScD in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1974.

He was a professor at the College of Natural Science at Seoul National University from 1977 to 2010, served as president, as well as professorm at the School of Computational Science at KIAS from 2010 to 2013.

Kim is a memeber for the board of directors for the Korean Physics Society, the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, and the Korea Academic Research Council, as well as a member of the scientific advisory board at the IBS.

His scientific achievement have been recognised through a number of awards, including the Korean Physical Society Best Paper Award, the Korean Physical Society Academic Award, the Seoul National University Education Award, the 58th Seoul City Cultural Award in natural sciences, the 52nd Samil Cultural Award in natural sciences, and the 20th Sudang Prize in basic science.
(from https://www.lifesciencesipreview.com/article/lsipr-50-2017-doochul-kim)

* Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review tracks the increasing challenges for intellectual property specialists in the rapidly evolving world of life sciences. From gene patents to stem cell research, we hope to provide the best news and analysis.


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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20