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IBS Conferences
Anderson Localization in Topological Insulators Workshop 게시판 상세보기
제목 Anderson Localization in Topological Insulators Workshop
작성자 대외협력실 등록일 2016-09-06 조회 2249
첨부 pdf 파일명 : 20160801_(복잡계 이론물리)IBS_ALTI_Poster.pdf 20160801_(복잡계 이론물리)IBS_ALTI_Poster.pdf
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

Anderson Localization in Topological Insulators Workshop

Anderson Localization in Topological Insulators Workshop Poster

Anderson Localization in Topological Insulators Workshop - SEPTEMBER 5~9, 2016

The Workshop will address recent theoret ical and experimental developments in the theory of interact ing disordered fermionic systems with special emphasis on topological insulators. The primary goal of the Workshop is to foster interact ion and collaborat ion between researchers from different backgrounds through talks and informal discussions. The Workshop will focus on recent experimental and theoret ical results at the forefront of internat ional research.


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