제목 | 2021 IBS-KSZ 코로나 바이러스와 인수공통 질병 콘퍼런스 개최 | ||||
작성자 | 전체관리자 | 등록일 | 2021-11-23 | 조회 | 1072 |
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2021 IBS-KSZ 코로나 바이러스와 인수공통 질병 콘퍼런스 개최한국바이러스기초연구소, 대한인수공통감염병학회 공동 주관으로 12월 6일(월)~ 7일(화) 양일간 IBS 과학문화센터에서 'IBS-KSZ 코로나 바이러스와 인수공통 질병 콘퍼런스'를 개최합니다. 김빛내리 IBS RNA연구단장(서울대 교수), 김우주 고려대 의과대학 교수 등, 국내외 바이러스 및 유관분야 전문가 20여명이 좌장과 연사로 참가하여 인수공통 감염병과 바이러스 연구 현황을 논의할 계획입니다. 코로나-19 바이러스로 인해 인수공통질병 연구의 중요성이 부상하고 있습니다. 이번 학술행사를 통해 국내외 최신 연구동향을 공유하고 미래 발전 방향 공동모색에 힘쓸 것입니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
* 신청방법: 홈페이지(http://ibs-conference.org/2021/virus) 통해 참가등록 (기한: 11월 30일, 선착순 99명)
IBS-KSZ 콘퍼런스 포스터. IBS-KSZ Conference on Corona Viruses and Zoonotic Diseases. From Basic Research to Clinic Outcomes.
6-7 December, 2021.
IBS Science Culture Center, Daejeon, Korea.
About Conference:
As we are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, infectious diseases have become one of the most imperative research fields. Recently, rapid and significant progress has been made in diagnosis, mRNA vaccine technology, and novel drug development, but still many microbial diseases are threatening human life. In particular, the risk of a Disease X-based pandemic caused by a zoonotic disease clearly highlights the importance of the One Health concept. This conference aims to bring together experts to get an overview of the current state of zoonotic infectious diseases, recent results, and advances in the field.
Day 1: Monday, December 6. Session 1. Covid-19. Chair: SONG Chang-seon(Konkuk University). Speaker 1: KIM Jin Yong(Incheon Medical Center). Speaker 2: SHIN Eui-Cheol(KAIST). Speaker 3: CHOI Kang Seuk(Seoul National University). Speaker 4: KIM Woo-Joo(Korea University). Session 2. Salmonella. Chair: CHEONG Hee Jin(Korea University). Speaker 1: YOON Hyunjin(Ajou University). Speaker 2: YOON Jang-Won(Kangwon National University). Sesson 3. Oral Presentation. Chair: KIM Woo-Joo(Korea University).
Day 2: Tuesday, December 7. Chair 1: CHOI Youngki(IBS & Chungbuk National University). Chair 2: SHIN Eui-Cheol(KAIST). Speaker 1: KOH Gou Young(IBS & KAIST). Speaker 2: Jae JUNG(Cleveland Clinic). Speaker 3: JU Young Seok(KAIST). Speaker 4: KIM V. Narry(IBS & Seoul National University). Speaker 5: KIM Woo-Joo(Korea University). Speaker 6: Hui-Ling YEN(The University of Hong Kong). Speaker 7: Antonio BERTOLETTI(Duke-NUS Medical School, A*STAR). Speaker 8: Maike HOFMANN(University of Freiburg).
Registration: https://ibs-conference.org/2021/virus/ Deadline: 29 Novermber, 2021. This conference will be held in a hybrid format due to the corona virus. The main conference will be held in Daejeon, Korea, and overseas speaker will participate online.
Organizer: CHOI Youngki(IBS & Chungbuk National University), LEE Jin Soo(Inha University Hospital), SHIN Eui-Cheol(KAIST), SONG Chang-Seon(Konkuk University), SONG Dae-Sub(Korea University).
Contact: 2021ibs.conference@gmail.com . ibs logo image. ksz logo image.
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