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IBS Conferences
PCS International Workshop - Flatband Networks In Condensed Matter And Photonics 게시판 상세보기
제목 PCS International Workshop - Flatband Networks In Condensed Matter And Photonics
작성자 대외협력실 등록일 2017-03-30 조회 2413
첨부 pdf 파일명 : FNCMP.pdf FNCMP.pdf
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

PCS International Workshop - Flatband Networks In Condensed Matter And Photonics

The electron band structure plays a crucial role in understanding the properties of the crystalline solids. An extreme case emerges for a completely dispersionless (flat) band, for which the kinetic energy of the electron is quenched. This appears to be a typical situation for a large variety of wave equations on the tight-binding networks, applicable to the noninteracting electrons, cold atoms, and light. Flatband networks admit compact localized eigenstates persisting due to the local network symmetries and destructive interference. Adding perturbations such as disorder, ac and dc external fields, many-body interactions leads to a plethora of new emergent states, which depend both on the topology of the original flat band and the type of perturbation.

This workshop will focus on new developments in this very active field, which include the novel classification schemes of flatband networks, flatband ferromagnetism, Anderson localization, frustrated spin systems, mobility edges, nonlinearity, as well as the experimental efforts to capture the flatbands and compact localized states in various systems, including the optical waveguide and exciton-polariton condensate networks.

Date: Aug 28 - Sep 1, 2017

Venue: PCS IBS seminar room, Faculty Wing (4th floor), KAIST Munji Campus, Daejeon, South Korea

Contact: pcs@ibs.re.kr (+82-42-878-8633)


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