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[Workshop] Non-Linear Effects and Short-Time Dynamics in Novel Superconductors and Correlated Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems 게시판 상세보기
제목 [Workshop] Non-Linear Effects and Short-Time Dynamics in Novel Superconductors and Correlated Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems
작성자 대외협력실 등록일 2017-05-24 조회 3282
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

International Workshop: Non-Linear Effects and Short-Time Dynamics in Novel Superconductors and Correlated Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems

Coordinators: Alireza Akbari (APCTP, Korea)
Ilya Eremin (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
Takami Tohyama (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)

The workshop will focus on the ultrafast dynamics and non-linear effects in strongly correlated systems ranging from Mott insulators to unconventional superconductors. The goal of the meeting is to present the state of the art in experimental investigation and theoretical understanding of strongly excited states far from equilibrium. With the above goal we plan to have an exchange of ideas between experimental and theoretical approaches which are used to investigate the excited state, its relaxation, and in particular the interactions that mediate this relaxation in Mott insulators and High-Tc superconductors. Our goal is to bring together leading experimental and theoretical experts working in this field, and have open and constructive discussion about recent developments and open questions in this rapidly developing branch of experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics.

Date: September 18 (Mon) - 22 (Fri), 2017

Venue: PCS IBS seminar room, Faculty Wing (4th floor), KAIST Munji Campus, Daejeon, South Korea

Contact: pcs@ibs.re.kr (+82-42-878-8633)


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