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제목 복잡계 이론물리 연구단 콜로키엄
작성자 복잡계 이론물리 연구단 등록일 2018-07-03 조회 1403
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복잡계 이론물리 연구단 콜로키엄


초청 연사 :
존 마이클 코스털리츠(J. Michael Kosterlitz) 美 브라운대 교수

제목 :
위상적 결함과 상전이

초록 :
이 발표에서는 코스털리츠와 사울리스가 2016년 노벨 물리학상을 공동 수상한 2차원계 상전이에서의 위상 기하학과 위상적 결함의 응용을 소개합니다. 위상적 결함 이론과 정량적으로 매우 잘 일치하는 결과를 보여주는 2차원 초유동체, 초전도체, 결정체에서 이론적 예측과 실험적 검증을 다룰 예정입니다.

일시 :
2018년 7월 6일 금요일 오후 3시

장소 :
기초과학연구원 과학문화센터 2층 대강당 (대전광역시 유성구 엑스포로 55)

문의 :
pcs@ibs.re.kr (042-878-8633)

[참고] J. Michael Kosterlitz 이력사항
- Born in 1943, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- Full title is: Harrison E. Farnsworth Professor of Physics at Brown University
- Professor Kosterlitz received a BA,and an MA,at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He earned a D.Phil. from theOxford University as a postgraduate student of Brasenose College, Oxford. During his time at the University of Birmingham,he collaborated with David Thouless, and a postdoctoral student at Cornell University. He was appointed to the faculty of the University of Birmingham in 1974, first as a lecturer and, later, as a reader. Since 1982, he has been professor of physics at Brown University. Kosterlitz does research in condensed matter theory, one- and two-dimensional physics, in phase transitions: random systems, electron localization, and spin glasses and in critical dynamics: melting and freezing. He has been awarded the Maxwell Medal from the British Institute of Physics, and the Lars Onsager Prize from the American Physical Society both for his work on the Kosterlitz–Thouless transition. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016 shared with David Thouless and Duncan Haldane for work on the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. In 2017 he was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences.


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