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IBS Conferences
International Workshop Attosecond Physics at the Nanoscale 게시판 상세보기
제목 International Workshop Attosecond Physics at the Nanoscale
작성자 글로벌협력팀 등록일 2018-07-13 조회 2670
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

International Workshop Attosecond Physics at the Nanoscale


Location: PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea

Scientific coordinators:
Marcelo Ciappina (Czech Rep.)
Seungchul Kim (Korea)
Young-Jin Kim (Korea)

Dominika Konikowska (coordinator, PCS IBS)
Gileun Lee (PCS IBS)
Heeyun Lee (PCS IBS)

Recently two emerging areas of research, attosecond and nanoscale physics, have started to come together. Attosecond physics deals with phenomena occurring when ultrashort laser pulses, with duration on the femto- and sub-femtosecond time scales, interact with atoms, molecules or solids. On the other hand, nanoscale physics involves the manipulation and engineering of mesoscopic systems, such as solids, metals and dielectrics, with nanometric precision. Although nano-engineering is a vast and well-established research field on its own, the fusion with intense laser physics is relatively recent. The aim of this event is to gather experimentalists and theoreticians and discuss about the challenges, prospect and future perspectives of these two research areas.

Topics include:
- Ultrafast optics
- Theoretical atto-nano physics
- Attosecond pulses generation
- High-order harmonic generation in atoms and solids
- Materials nanoprocessing
- Plasmonics

To apply for participation in the Workshop, complete the on-line application form by July 31, 2018: http://pcs.ibs.re.kr/PCS_Workshops/PCS_AttoNano_Application.html

Contact: pcs@ibs.re.kr (+82-42-878-8629)



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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20