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IBS Conferences
Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy” (ASPM) 2018 게시판 상세보기
제목 Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy” (ASPM) 2018
작성자 양자나노과학연구단 등록일 2018-08-13 조회 2242
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.JPG thumb.JPG

Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy” (ASPM) 2018

Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy” (ASPM) 2018 will be held at BEXCO Haeundae Busan, Korea on Aug 16-18, 2018. Due to the great success of ASPM 2017 (https://www.aspm2017.com), it is apparent that ASPM has become a successful platform in Korea for sharing and exchanging the latest advances in science and technology using SPM. ASPM 2018 hopes to bring together scientists from a wide range of research fields at a single atomic and molecular scale. The workshop will address both fundamental science and cutting-edge technologies.

ASPM 2018 aims for an innovative scientific workshop based on the lectures from local and international world class scientists. Additionally, ASPM 2018 also promotes a variety of contributed talks and poster presentations by the next generation of scientists in the field, such as students and young postdocs, to share their most progressive researches and fresh ideas.

We are confident that your presence will add an important dimension to ASPM 2018. Please find more details on the scopes, organizations, and plans of ASPM 2018 enclosed below.


Schedule: 13:00 Aug 16th(Thu) – 13:00 Aug 18th(Sat), 2018
Conference Venue: BEXCO, Busan, Korea
Language: English

Jun 18 (Mon) – Jul 16 (Mon), through the ASPM 2018 website registration page
(** Only attendees pre-registered through the ASPM 2018 website will be allowed to participate in the workshop.)



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