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IBS Conferences
The 11th UK-KOREA Neuroscience Symposium 게시판 상세보기
제목 The 11th UK-KOREA Neuroscience Symposium
작성자 글로벌협력팀 등록일 2018-08-21 조회 3110
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

The 11th UK-KOREA Neuroscience Symposium

The UK and Korea have been having an exchange program in the field of neuroscience (UK-Korea Neuroscience Symposium) for a long time, and this year's meeting will happen in Busan (Hae-Un-Dae) during Aug 20-21 (Mon-Tue), 2018 (see the following website for more details on the background and this year's meeting; https://www.ukorea.ac.uk/).



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