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IBS Conferences
IBS CMCM International Symposium on New Carbon and 2D Materials 게시판 상세보기
제목 IBS CMCM International Symposium on New Carbon and 2D Materials
작성자 글로벌협력팀 등록일 2018-10-15 조회 2156
첨부 pdf 파일명 : IBS CMCM Symposium at Daejeon (Oct. 24th  2018).pdf IBS CMCM Symposium at Daejeon (Oct. 24th 2018).pdf
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

IBS CMCM International Symposium on
New Carbon and 2D Materials

♦ Time: 2018 Oct. 24 (Wed)

♦ Location: Conference Room, Daejeon Convention Center, Korea



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