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IBS Conferences
Spintronics and Valleytronics of Two-Dimensional Materials 게시판 상세보기
제목 Spintronics and Valleytronics of Two-Dimensional Materials
작성자 글로벌협력팀 등록일 2019-01-11 조회 2114
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

Spintronics and Valleytronics of Two-Dimensional Materials

Dates: May 20 - 24, 2019

Location: PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea

Scientific coordinators:
Sven Höfling (University of Würzburg, Germany & University of St Andrews, UK)
Mikhail Gsslazov (Ioffe Institute, RAS, Russia)
Ivan Savenko (PCS IBS, Korea)

Dominika Konikowska (coordinator, PCS IBS)
Jaehee Kwon (PCS IBS)
Gileun Lee (PCS IBS)
Heeyun Lee (PCS IBS)

The main aim of the event is to discuss the frontiers of two-dimensional materials and exciton-polariton research with the world-leading experts, as well as develop and strengthen collaboration between the theoretical and experimental research groups. The particular emphasis will be on the rapidly developing field of spin-valley phenomena in two-dimensional materials coupled with light and forming polariton condensates. We will invite world-leading experts to address all the key trends in the field and discuss possible collaborative projects.

Topics include:
- Two-dimensional semiconductors
- Exciton-polaritons in artificial lattices
- Photon-mediated superconductivity
- Hybrid Bose-Fermi systems



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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20