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IBS Conferences
International Workshop Recent Advance in Topological Photonics 게시판 상세보기
제목 International Workshop Recent Advance in Topological Photonics
작성자 글로벌협력팀 등록일 2019-02-01 조회 1882
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

International Workshop
Recent Advance in Topological Photonics


Dates: June 17 - 21, 2019

Location: PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea

Scientific coordinators:
Daniel Leykam (PCS IBS, Korea)
Zhigang Chen (Nankai University, China & San Francisco State University, USA)
Alexander Szameit (Rostock University, Germany)

Dominika Konikowska (coordinator, PCS IBS)
Gileun Lee (PCS IBS)
Heeyun Lee (PCS IBS)

Tremendous recent progress has been made in implementing topological phases of light using metamaterials, photonic crystals, and photonic lattices. The aim of this workshop is to explore innovative approaches for integrating topological phases and robust edge states with nonlinear, anisotropic, dispersive, or quantum photonic systems and promote closer collaboration between theorists and experimentalists working in related fields.

Topics include:
• Topological photonic crystals and lattices
• Geometric and topological phases in crystal optics
• Surface waves of anisotropic media
• Nonlinear and quantum topological photonics
• Novel experimental platforms



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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20