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IBS Conferences
International Focus Workshop - Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems 게시판 상세보기
제목 International Focus Workshop - Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems
작성자 복잡계이론물리연구단 등록일 2019-05-13 조회 1970
첨부 jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

International Focus Workshop
Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems


Dates: August 26 - 28, 2019

Location: PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea

Scientific coordinators:
Kyoo Kim (Max Planck POSTECH & Korea Research Initiative, Korea)
Bongjae Kim (Kunsan National University, Korea)
Ara Go (PCS IBS, Korea)
Hyowon Park (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Cesare Franchini (University of Vienna, Austria)
Byung Il Min (POSTECH, Korea)

Dominika Konikowska (coordinator, PCS IBS)
Gileun Lee (PCS IBS)
Jaehee Kwon (PCS IBS)

Computational approaches have been significantly improved by the development of computer hardware. Furthermore, promising new techniques and algorithms are proposed and shed new light on our understanding of magnetic systems, where interplay between various degrees of freedom enriches physics. Such notable progress can be found not only in the first-principles methodology, but also in their cross-border fields. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses depending on the specific properties of target systems. This workshop will bring together the recent progress in these areas, thereby providing a platform to discuss the frontier issues and network for the young researchers with different technical backgrounds.

Topics include:
- Various methods: DFT, DFT+DMFT, renormalization group, Monte-Carlo simulation, exact diagonalization, KKR, CPA calculations, model Hamiltonian, machine learning
- Application of computational methods to realistic systems:
- Magnetism in wide ranges of systems from itinerant metals to correlated oxides
- Systems with strong spin-orbit coupling effects
- Kondo systems
- Metal-insulator transition
- Topological systems
- Low dimensional magnetism



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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20