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2022-8 Recruitment Announce for Research Positions at the Center for Underground Physics 게시판 상세보기
제목 2022-8 Recruitment Announce for Research Positions at the Center for Underground Physics
보도일 2022-11-02 15:05 조회 72

2022-8 Recruitment Announce for Research Positions at the Center for Underground Physics

The center for underground physics (CUP, https://cupweb.ibs.re.kr/html/cup_en/) at IBS in Korea invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate and senior researcher positions to work on operation and physics analysis of ongoing COSINE-100 and NEON experiment as well as preparation for next phase COSINE-200 experiment. The position is full-time for an initial one-year and extendable up to three-year. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in the past 5 years.

The COSINE project (https://cosine.ibs.re.kr) is a dedicated experiment to verify an observation of DAMA/LIBRA’s annual modulation using same NaI(Tl) target crystals. The COSINE-100 experiment started physics run since Sept/2016 with 106 kg low-background NaI(Tl) crystal detectors. A couple of interesting physics results were already produced and further physics analyses are actively ongoing. We will operate the COSINE-100 experiment until 2023 depending on the development of next phase NaI(Tl) detectors.

The NEON experiment (https://neon.ibs.re.kr) has an aim for a first observation of the coherent neutrino nucleus scattering from reactor using NaI(Tl) detectors. The NEON phase1 installed at Hanbit nuclear power plan since Dec/2021 with 16 kg NaI(Tl) crystals. Physics analysis and detector maintenance are actively ongoing.

The successful candidate will mainly work on the operation as well as physics analysis, with mentoring Ph.D students, for the COSINE-100 and NEON experiment. He/She may also contribute to development of low-background NaI(Tl) crystals as low-background treatment, detector assembly, underground measurement, and analysis for the COSINE-200 experiment. It is also expected to lead detector installation of the COSINE-200 experiment. Frequent travelling to and staying at the experimental site will be expected.

Applicants should send a CV, a brief research statement, a list of publications, and two letters of recommendation(Any letters from the applicants will not be accepted), Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information / Application for IBS(attached) to cup_recruit@ibs.re.kr. If any questions or inquires for the position shall be asked to Prof. Hyun Su Lee (hyunsulee@ibs.re.kr).

For the full consideration, the application and letters should be submitted by Dec. 31st , 2022 15:00 (KST) but will remain open until position is filled

※ E-mail Title : [2022-08-Job no.-position name] YYY←Applicant’s name
e.g., [2022-08-①-Postdoctoral Research Associate]Hong Gil-dong

□ Overview

No. Job Position Recruitment Area Required Qualifications Affiliation
No. of Openings
Postdoctoral Research Associate Experimental Astroparticle Physics (COSINE-100 and NEON experiments) - - Degree : Doctoral degree (Those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree, or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months from the appointment start date(March 1st, 2023))
- Major : Experimental astroparticle physics, Experimental nuclear physics, or other related field
Center for Underground Physics
(Daejeon, HQ)
Senior Researcher - Degree : Doctoral degree Major : Experimental astroparticle physics, Experimental nuclear physics, or other related field 1
  • ※ Note : Applying for both recruitment areas at the same time is not allowed

〇 Research Position Job Description

  • - (Postdoctoral Research Associate) Conduct research while at the same time receiving postdoctoral training for a certain period of time to deepen their understanding of a field and develop a distinctive research capability. Available for individuals who are within the first five years after obtaining their Ph.D. or to be obtained within 3 months from the appointment start date(March 1st, 2023). Employment can be renewed only once and the total appointed term is up to 3 years
  • ※ Note: In case of the Center’s closure during employment, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly.
  • - (Senior Researcher) Research-oriented personnel with a Ph.D., Initial employment may be renewed only once. The total length of the contract cannot exceed 5 years.
  • ※ Note: In case of the Center’s closure during employment, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly.

□ Screening Process

Screening Process
Category Detail Selection criteria Required documents
Step 1
(Document screening)
Suitability for the position and for the field of work, excellence of the applicant’s research achievements, overall research activities, proposed research plan, etc. Approximately 5 times the number of applicants than the number of vacancies will be selected for the interview in order of the highest scores with the minimum average score of 80. CV, a brief research statement, a list of publications, two letters of recommendation*, Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information / Application IBS(attached)
Step 2
(Interview screening)
Expertise in their field, attitude and communication skills, presentation skills, excellence of their research, development potential and prospect, etc. Final candidates will be selected in order of the highest scores with the minimum average score of 80.
※ The procedure allows for a successful candidate and up to two additional waiting list candidates per opening in accordance with the scores
There can be additional required documents according to the situation at the center
  • *References letters must be sent to cup_recruit@ibs.re.kr from the writers and any letters from the applicants will not be accepted.
  • ※ recruitment schedule is subject to change

□ Application Submission and Deadline

  • 〇 How to apply: Submit the documents below via e-mail at (cup_recruit@ibs.re.kr).
    • - CV
    • - Brief research statement
    • - List of publications
    • - Two letters of recommendation*
    • - Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information / Application for IBS (attached)
      * Recommendation letters must be sent to cup_recruit@ibs.re.kr from the writers and any letters from the applicants will not be accepted.
  • 〇 Deadline for application and letters submission: Dec. 31st, 2022 (15:00) KST

□ Notes

  • 〇 Blind hiring process will be implemented to reduce the risk of bias in the hiring decision and block out any and all identification details from candidate's resume and applications.
  • 〇 CUP, IBS is an Equal Opportunity or Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. Any biased information will not be provided to committees at all.
  • 〇 Applicants will be responsible for any consequences of making mistakes, missing information or not submitting required documentation in their applications. If any information is found to be incorrect or false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 Submitted documents may be returned when a request is made within three months from the announcement of the final result in accordance with Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Hiring Procedure Act.
  • 〇 If candidates are disqualified due to a background check or a physical examination result, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 If candidates are found to be former public officials dismissed for corruption as set forth in Article 82 of the Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment of the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 Women in science, engineering and technology as defined in Article 2 of the Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians
  • 〇 No applicants may be hired if there are no applicants deemed qualified during the screening process.
  • 〇 If hired, the job category/grade and annual salary will be determined in accordance with IBS rules and regulations.
  • 〇 Successful candidates are expected to start on March 1st, 2023 (subject to change).
  • 〇 Workplace: Center for Underground Physics, IBS HQ, Daejeon
  • 〇 Inquiries: Recruiting Manager of CUP (Tel: +82 42-878-9404, E-mail : cup_recruit@ibs.re.kr)

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최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20