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IBS Conferences
2017 New Year's Message from President 게시판 상세보기
Title 2017 New Year's Message from President
Department President Registration Date 2017-01-02 Hits 5564

2017 New Year's Message from President

Happy new year and greetings for all members of IBS as we begin the year 2017.

Last year was such an eventful and fruitful year. We celebrated the 5th anniversary of IBS foundation as a critical juncture in our institutional trajectory. We made remarkable achievements through passion and devotion, which we deserve to take pride in. To name just a few outstanding examples, we broke the ground to build the new IBS complex and introduced the Young Scientist Fellowship (YSF). We partnered with esteemed RIKEN and Max Planck Society and hosted commemorative conferences for our 5th anniversary, successfully debuting the "IBS Conferences" series. Scientific results are among the most exceptional achievements. Our research centers produced world-leading outcomes in genome editing, optogenetics, 2D materials and other fiercely competitive areas. Their novel discoveries in superconductors, RNA and catalytic reactions will trigger paradigm shifts in basic science.

I believe "IBS Initiative" - Increasing Opportunities for Young Talents, Building up Global Leadership, Strengthening Institute Identity - that I set forth last year are gradually materializing. Now IBS is attaining global attention. Scientific communities across the world are following new IBS scientists and their intellectual pursuits with enormous interest.

Since embarking on a journey under the banner of "innovation in research paradigms", IBS has overcome numerous challenges one after another. Though some were overwhelming and a few of them are yet to be conquered, we are taking steady steps towards our destination, leaving enduring marks on the history of basic science in Korea. We published two meaningful records of these marks: "IBS Research Highlights & Analysis", a compilation of the most outstanding research outcomes over the past five years and "Basic Science in Society", a chronicle of the development of basic science in Korea and IBS. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all researchers and HQ staff who make all these possible by endeavoring to advance science and innovating research support.

Our journey will continue this year. From today, two outstanding scientists, Professor Andreas Heinrich and Axel Timmermann will be on board as directors, joining us for another adventure. With their joining, IBS can venture into the new research territories of quantum nanoscience and climate physics. Together, we will be able to provide creative knowledge and scientific bases to utilize quantum computing, combat climate change or develop technologies which are closely related to the development or even survival of our society.
IBS has launched 28 Centers so far and will continue uncovering talent willing to take on new challenges. With our research centers already conducting world-class research, further expansion in institutional scale and research scope will surely position IBS as a global leader in basic science.

My fellow members of IBS,
This year will be the final year to implement our first five-year development plan from 2013 to 2017. We will draft another plan for the coming five years beginning in 2018 to drive further development of IBS. Also, research centers that launched in 2012 will undergo their first center review. We will begin anew by reflecting on the path we have followed and selecting the path we will take. At this critical turning point, I would like to remind you of important philosophy and future directions of IBS. We will persistently continue implementing "IBS Initiatives". We will strive to guarantee researchers' autonomy and to support young scientists.

Bottom-up management of research was one of the hot topics last year among domestic scientists. It is about how individual researchers get to select topics and lead research projects, independent of decisions from the top. New attention on democratic values and civic engagement makes us ponder the roles and responsibilities of scientists. I believe "research of the scientists, by the scientists" is the key to "great discoveries for humanity". To achieve the IBS we envision, our best strategy will be stimulating the curiosity of scientists and letting them freely pursue that curiosity. We will also strengthen partnership with researchers at universities to help launch more projects independently managed by researchers.

IBS will support young researchers, as well as our directors, to conduct their original research. Whenever meeting young, ambitious researchers, I encourage them to initiate their own research at IBS. The YSF program introduced last year will help young talent to realize their potential and grow into research leaders. Seven YSFs are waiting for the launch of their project this year and additional five to six YSFs will be selected. The new IBS Complex will be a great venue for young scientists to unfold their imagination and follow curiosity. Supporting young scientists will be the centerpiece of IBS policy not just for the future of our own also for the future of basic science in Korea.

Across the scientific communities, many eyes are on our center reviews which begin in July this year. Our reviews will set an inspiring model for qualitative evaluation and peer-review of research. For each center, seven to eight members will make up one review panel and renowned scholars will participate as a chair. More than half of the panel members will be third party, overseas scientists who will guarantee the most objective reviews. Responding to the growing need for qualitative evaluation system in basic science, our center reviews will lead a paradigm change in research evaluation, shifting focus from quantity to quality.

My fellow IBS researchers,
At the end of this year, the first construction phase of the new IBS Complex will be completed. Then, as we have long waited for, our institution will open as one. Along with you, I will do my part as the president to grow this institution into a global research hub for basic science. Once the previously scattered centers gather in the new IBS Complex, our strength in large, interdisciplinary group research will gain proper momentum. Most of newly launching centers will be hosted as HQ Centers to strengthen the backbone of our research organization. To promote research competitiveness of these HQ Centers and the entire IBS, and to consolidate our leadership for collaboration, measures will be developed to facilitate joint research and personnel exchanges with universities and other research institutes. The Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) has recently succeeded in accelerating heavy ion beams with its RFQ linear accelerator. Its goals for this year are beginning the construction of the accelerator building in Sindong district and succeeding in generating beams from a super conducting accelerator.

My fellow members of IBS,
The year, 2017, will be another significant year for IBS to cement our status as a national hub for basic science. Building on that foundation, we will be able to establish IBS as a world-class research institute.

Wish you the best of luck and health this year.
Thank you.

January 2, 2017
KIM Doochul, President of the Institute for Basic Science


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