Several sets of directions are provided to assist visitors traveling to IBS HQ in Daejeon City. Please click on the tabs above to find detailed information based upon your departure point after arriving in South Korea. The address of IBS is written below in both English and Korean and can be copy-pasted into the map or GPS system of your choice. The interactive map is provided by Google but the site has yet to be updated to reflect the current infrastructure. Below that is a map of our campus and list of what can be found in the various buildings.
To download a PDF restaurant guide for the area, click here.
Employee vehicles, delivery trucks, and taxis are able to pass through this front gate.
3F Community center
1F Science Library (street side)
Exhibition space (toward HQ)
This is the primary entrance and the required entrance that guests use. To get a guest badge you must register here.
4F Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe
3F Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
2F Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences - Discrete Mathematics Group
Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences - Data Science Group
Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences - Biomedical Mathematics Group
Center for Complex Geometry
1F Reception, ATM, mailroom, gym, auditorium B109, cafeteria
This is the secondary HQ entrance but cannot be used by guests.
5F Offices of the president, auditor, division heads
3/4F Admin offices, meeting rooms
2F Nurse office, Woori Bank, labor union, disaster prevention center, meeting rooms
1F Animals labs
3F Center for Genome Engineering
Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies
2F Korea Virus Research Institute - Center for Study of Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses, Center for Viral Immunology
Center for Cognition and Sociality
Center for Biomolecular and Cellular Structure - Protein Communication Group
1F Center for Underground Physics
IT, Aleph supercomputer
To apply for the IBS Dormitory, please contact your Center's admin staff.
Contact - Dormitory Operations Planning Team