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IBS Conferences

Research Centers

  • Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research Welcome to IBS Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR)! As you all know, understanding brain structures, function, networks and behaviors is one of sciences last and most daunting challe... Director KIM Seong Gi Detail
  • Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis The subjects encompass the chemistry and physics of biomolecular science; the intellectual complexity of complex materials; the puzzles of understanding structure and dynamical processes of matter ... Director Bartosz Andrzej GRZYBOWSKI Detail
  • Center for Nanomedicine The goal of Center for Nanomedicine is to establish a foundation for future-oriented convergence science and to create new science with themes of nanomaterials and biological systems. Nano-science can provide useful concepts that allows for a fundamental understanding ... Director CHEON Jinwoo Detail
  • Center for 2D Quantum Heterostructures The center plans to synthesize newly designed 2D quantum heterostructures and to elucidate atomic-level structure-property relationship in such 2D quantum heterostructures. Director Hyeon Suk SHIN Detail

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Content Manager
Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2024-03-04 13:42