If you have some free time and want to see something else during your time in Daejeon, this page will give you some ideas as to your options. This page will start with items that are walking distance from IBS headquarters and the Daejeon Convention Center (DCC). For items farther than walking distance, a taxi or bus would be necessary and are viewable on the next tab. As bus routes sometimes change and English is limited, we only provide the approximate travel time via public transportation. All items are noted on the map below and clicking on them shows a description and additional pictures.
The names of all items in this list are written in both English and Korean, so if you get lost or get into a taxi, simply point to the name written in Korean. Times, hours, and prices might change, so we recommend you check the websites, if available, before you depart. We also recommend you check out the official tourism website of Daejeon at http://www.daejeon.go.kr/toe/index.do with Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese language support.