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IBS Conferences
2015 Recruitment Announcement for IBS Research Center Directors 게시판 상세보기
Title 2015 Recruitment Announcement for IBS Research Center Directors
Name Research Evaluation Team Registration Date 2015-01-16 Hits 4055

We Cordially Invite You to Join the IBS as a Director

     The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is a government-funded research institute to strengthen the basic science in Korea. IBS will eventually comprise 50 research centers in the area of mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, earth science and interdisciplinary science. Until now, 24 research centers have been established, each headed by an internationally respected scientist.

     Government’s investment in IBS is truly extraordinary commitment to strengthen leading edge sciences in Korea and great opportunity for the big sciences. The IBS’s strategty is simple to accomplish our goal: to establish a great research institute by recruiting the best possible scientists worldwide as directors and fully support them in whatever they try to pursue for long-term period. Our strategy comes from the belief that the IBS directors, who are selected by our evaluation system based on the peer-reviewers’ judgement, are the best persons to boost basic sciences to the highest level. Here, we announce a new call for IBS directorships in 2015 and cordially invite you to challenge to join IBS as a director.

1. Criteria for a director

  • Exceptional track record in world-leading research
  • Experience in managing and directing a large-scale scientific research program
  • Full-time commitment for conducting research and operating their IBS research centers for long-term period

2. Types of Research Centers

  • There are three types of research centers: ① Headquarters (HQ) ② Campus ③ Extramural
    Applicants must select one of the above when applying.
  • If you select ② Campus or ③ Extramural research centers, specify the name of the host institution where the centers will be located.

    ※ Currently there are 5 HQ Centers, 13 campus Centers and 6 extramural Centers.

3. Research Areas

  • Research characteristics: large-scale, long-term and group research in basic science
  • Basic research in mathematics (including computational sciences), physics, chemistry, life sciences, earth sciences and interdisciplinary science
    • Applicants in mathematics must apply for HQ Centers.
    • Applicants in earth sciences will be given a priority for consideration.
    • Co-director positions are available for the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe and the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems.

      ※ Currently, there is 1 Center in mathematics, 8 Centers in physics, 6 Centers in chemistry, 7 Centers in life sciences,
           0 Center in earth sciences and 2 Centers in interdisciplinary science.

  • Research areas utilizing the rare isotope accelerator

    ※ For 2015 newly designated research areas (Rare Isotope Sciences), please refer to the “Announcement for IBS Designated Research Areas”.

4. Research Center Budget

  • Proposed amount of Center budget on the application form will be reviewed when selecting directors and once the selection of directors is finalized, it may be adjusted and confirmed by the Research Review Committee.
  • Start-up expenses for the initial establishment of the Center, including costs for purchasing large-scale facilities and equipment should be requested separately on the application form and will be determined by the Research Review Committee.
  • If the Center will have co-director(s) or associate director(s), a corresponding budget plan should be included accordingly in your application.

5. Details of the Director Position

  • Directors are required to work full time in their Centers and their labor costs will be negotiated with the IBS president and will become effective upon the signing of the contract.
  • Directors are not allowed to apply for other Korean government-funded research projects.
  • Directors will be given autonomy in organizing their Center including personnel, research plan and budget distribution.
  • An evaluation of Centers will take place every three years and will determine whether to provide continued support. However, the first evaluation will take place five years after the opening of the Center. (If it is decided that a Center should close down, a one-year transition period will be given.)

6. Application Details

  • Complete the application form (Appendix 1) in English and save it as a pdf file.
  • Submit your application via our website (http://www.ibs.re.kr/apply).
  • Application Deadline: February 28, 2015 06:00 PM KST

    ※ Application Deadline for Rare Isotope Sciences : March 16, 2015 06:00 PM KST

  • Candidates for in-depth evaluation will be announced by the end of April, 2015.

7. Inquiries

  • Selection and evaluations of IBS directors / application submission:

    Hunsoo Kim
    Research Evaluation Team
    Email: evaluation@ibs.re.kr

  • Organization and operation of research centers:

    Seokhyun Bae
    Research Support Team
    Email: support@ibs.re.kr

1. Application Formdocx download
2. Selection Procedures for IBS Directors pdf download
4. Current Status of IBS Research Centers pdf download

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Content Manager
Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20