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IBS Conferences
6th IBS Art in Science Contest 게시판 상세보기
Title 6th IBS Art in Science Contest
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2020-09-29 Hits 2677
att. hwp 파일명 : Attachment_1__IBS_Art in Science_Contest.hwp Attachment_1__IBS_Art in Science_Contest.hwp
docx 파일명 : Attachment_2_Application Form.docx Attachment_2_Application Form.docx
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

6th IBS Art in Science Contest

The Institute of Basic Science (IBS) has been holding the Art in Science since 2015 to encourage scientists to share the artistic moments they encounter in the course of their research with the public. The 2020 IBS Art in Science Contest will be held as an open contest with everyone invited to join the competition.

□ Contest Overview

(Title) 6th IBS Art in Science Contest

(Eligibility) Anyone residing in South Korea

(Entry) Image or video clip captured in the course of scientific experimentation or research (photograph, graphic, drawing, etc.)

  • - Digital enhancement using photo editing software (Photoshop, etc.) is allowed. In this case, however, the original image before any edits must also be submitted, and the caption should provide relevant information.

(No. of Entries) No more than 3 entries per team (consisting of up to 5 members) or individual contestant

(Submission Period) September 23 ~ November 06, 2020 / 45 days
    ※ Submissions will be accepted until November 06, 2020, 11:59 pm. Please make all submissions before the deadline.

(Submission Channel) The entry and application form must be submitted via email at scc@ibs.re.kr. [Appendix 1]

□ How to submit

○ Bundle the application form and entry into a zip file and submit it via email

□ Entry Evaluation Procedure

○ (1st Round) Internal evaluation(70%)

  • - (No. of Finalists) 20 works (2x the number of prize-winning works)
  • - (Evaluation Criteria) Artistic Value (25 points), Scientific Value (25 points), Popular Value (20 points)

○ (2nd Round) Open online voting (30%)

  • - Online voting for the finalists will be on the IBS Facebook and Naver Blog channels.

□ Prize Details

○ Award winners will be determined based on the sum of the scores from the 1st round of internal evaluation (70 points) and 2nd round of online voting (30 points). The winners will be awarded a certificate and prize money as follows.

Prize Details
Classification Award Level No. of Winners Prize Money
Grand Prize IBS President Award 1 KRW 1,000,000
Gold Prize 2 KRW 800,000
Silver Prize 3 KRW 500,000
Bronze Prize 4 KRW 300,000

※ Prize winners must pay taxes and other charges on their winnings.

※ If no entries meet the criteria, there will be no winners. The number of winners can be adjusted depending on the quality of entries submitted.

○ Announcement of Prize Winners: December 2020

○ The awards ceremony will be scheduled later depending on the pandemic situation.

□ Timeline [Plan]


※ The evaluation method and schedules are subject to change depending on operational circumstances.

□ Notice

○ The submitted entry must be photographed or recorded by the contestant firsthand, and each team or individual contestant can submit up to three entries.

○ The prize-winning entries may be disclosed to the public for IBS PR materials, exhibitions, prints, etc., with the prior consent of applicants.

○ Any entries should be genuine works created by the contestants, and if any violation such as unauthorized reproduction, imitation or plagiarism is found after an award has been issued, the prize will be cancelled.

○ Prize winners must pay taxes and other charges on their winnings.

□ Contact Us: IBS Communication Team(042-878-8238/scc@ibs.re.kr)

○ Gallery of Past Entries :   Art in Science

IBS Art in Science Contest


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Content Manager
Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20