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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Office of Strategy and Policy
Work Duties 1. Establishing mid- to long-term development strategies and five-year plans
2. Planning the operation of the Institute and Centers as well as searching for promising research topics
3. Planning major projects
4. Responding to the government’s evaluation of the Institute
5. Supporting the establishment of the government’s basic science policies
6. Studying and analyzing trends in domestic and international basic science
7. Analyzing research outcomes and developing relevant indicators
8. Operating the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Directors Council Meeting
9. Utilizing services of research advisors
10. Providing support concerning internal and external activities of the President and policy data
11. Other matters concerning strategies and policies of the Institute
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Office of Strategy and Policy Kim, Jedong 042-878-8108 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Han, Jeong Min 042-878-8153 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Ko, Young Wook 042-878-8142 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Kim, Dae In 042-878-8109 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Bae Dae Woong 042-878-8195 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Park Seong Ho 042-878-8149 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy Oh, Ji Na 042-878-8001 이메일 보내기
Office of Strategy and Policy KIM SARANG 042-878-8249 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20