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IBS Conferences

Advances in Precision Spin Tracking Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research

One of today’s biggest mysteries in physics is the observed matterantimatter asymmetry in the Universe. The creation of such an asymmetry from a symmetric initial state (Big Bang) requires charge-parity (CP) symmetry violating particle interactions that lead to the creation of more particles than antiparticles over time. The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics allows for such interactions, but by no means to a degree sufficient to explain the existence of our world: the disparity amounts to a factor of more than 100,000,000! Consequently, physicists believe that only a new fundamental theory, encompassing the SM as limiting case, can explain our observations.

Electric dipole moments (EDMs) of elementary particles violate both time and parity symmetries (T, P), and, if the famous CPT theorem holds, also CP. The SM allows only for very tiny EDMs that are below currently observable limits. However, models for physics beyond the SM provide sources for much larger EDMs. Hence, an observation of a large EDM would show a new source of CP violation, and thus be a proof for the existence of new physics. Measurements of EDMs of different particles would also indicate the source, and help to identify the correct theoretical model. The mass scale that such an experiment can probe is well above the scale that even the most powerful accelerators can currently reach.

A group at the Center for Axion and Precision Physics within IBS (CAPP/IBS) (Director Yannis K. Semertzidis) works on developing an experimental method for a proton EDM measurement in an all-electric storage ring. The experimental approach consists of freezing the spin of protons in forward direction, and the expected signal is a rotation of the spin out of the ring plane. However, this rotation is very small, and easily can be masked by various other effectws, e.g. tiny radial magnetic fields. It is thereforer crucial to understand all such effects in detail, and develop methods to overcome possible challenges. Due to the complexity of the problem, only numerical simulations are capable of solving the relevant equations.

So far there have been few experiments that required a detailed knowledge of the spin evolution during long storage times, and this is reflected in the low number, and sometimes limited applicability, of the existing spin tracking codes. Hence, CAPP/IBS' effort comprises also of development of a new and fast precision tracking tool. We chose the method of direct numerical integration in order to make as few restricting assumptions as possible. However, the best code would be useless if its correctness cannot be proven. Therefore, together with our American collaborators, we developed a set of straightforward, but very precise analytical benchmarking tests. We showed that our simulation method can very accurately calculate the results. The accuracy was shown to be better than one part per billion in several cases. This is a great success, and gives us confidence that we can also simulate more complicated cases of high precision experiments. These benchmarking tests can also be used to investigate the accuracy of other programs. During a recent meeting, the worldwide spin tracking community pledged to do this with all major programs in order to get a better understanding of which codes can be used for precision experiments.

Above). Phase diagram of synchrotron oscillations generated using a tracking program.
In general, not all particles in the ring have the same momentum p. Radio frequency (RF) cavities are used to accelerate the particles that are too slow, and decelerate the particles which are too fast. The plot shows how slow particles fall behind the reference particle, and are then accelerated - until they are too fast and they move ahead of the reference particle. Then they are decelerated again and the process repeats. Horizontal axis indicates the longitudinal distance of different particles as compared to the reference particle, and vertical axis shows the momentum difference compared to the reference particle.
The entire process is analogous to a swinging pendulum, where the rest position corresponds to the reference particle, and horizontal axis shows the horizontal displacement, while vertical axis shows the pendulums speed. When the speed becomes too large, the pendulum will not swing back - but rather make a full turn. This is indicated by the top green line. For accelerators it means that only the particles with sufficiently small momentum offsets can be captured by an RF cavity.

Published paper

V. Anastassopoulos et al., “A Storage Ring Experiment to Detect a Proton Electric Dipole Moment”, arXiv:1502.04317 (2015)
E.M. Metodiev et al., “Analytical benchmarks for precision particle tracking in electric and magnetic rings”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 797, pp. 311-318 (2015)


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20