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IBS Center for Nanomedicine establishes an international research collaboration platform with Max Planck Institute 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Center for Nanomedicine establishes an international research collaboration platform with Max Planck Institute
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2023-07-20 Hits 1237
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IBS Center for Nanomedicine establishes an international research collaboration platform with Max Planck Institute

- IBS-MPI Joint Research Hub to be launched in September -

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Center for Nanomedicine is establishing a "Joint Research Hub (JRH)" with the Max Planck Institute1) in Germany. Max Planck Institute is renowned for producing 38 Nobel laureates, making it one of the world's leading research institutions.

During his visit to Germany in May, Director CHEON Jinwoo of the Center for Nanomedicine (also a professor at the Yonsei University) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Director Joachim SPATZ of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, paving the way for the establishment of the JRH.

The JRH aims to combine the world-class nanoscience technologies of the IBS Center for Nanomedicine with the outstanding biomedical research expertise of the Max Planck Institute. Director Cheon stated, "By creating the Nano-Brain Science and Nano-Immunology global research hub through JRH with Max Planck Institute, we anticipate the production of game-changing research outcomes for the future of medicine."

In the future, both institutions will actively promote various international collaborations, including joint research cooperation, research infrastructure, and exchanges of personnel, as well as training the next generation of junior researchers.

President NOH Do Young of the IBS said, "By establishing the JRH, IBS is expected to leap forward as a global research hub by collaborating with the Max Planck Institute, which possesses world-class research capabilities." He added, "We anticipate that this will contribute significantly to cultivating global scientific talents and enhancing national competitiveness."

Yonsei University President Seo Seung-Hwan stated, "The establishment of this collaborative research hub will expand Yonsei University's excellent scientific and technological capabilities to the international stage, providing an opportunity for the university to leap forward as a world-renowned institution." He expressed hope that Yonsei University, as the top private university in Asia, will closely cooperate with Max Planck Institute to achieve innovation in bio-research and contribute to improving human health.

To celebrate the launch of JRH, the Center for Nanomedicine and the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research will jointly host the "MPI-Y-IBS Workshop" at Yonsei University in September. During the workshop, they will devise a system for joint research and long-term cooperation between the two institutions, and discuss the establishment of a Max Planck Research Center, along with a number of other topics.

업무협약 체결 사진
▲ In May, Director CHEON Jinwoo (left) of the IBS Center for Nanomedicine and Director Joachim SPTAZ (right) of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research signed a business agreement to establish the joint research hub.

1) Max Planck Institute: Since its establishment in 1948, the MPI has produced 23 Nobel Prize winners in science. The Max Planck Institute currently operates over 80 affiliated institutes in various fields, and it is one of the world's best research institute in the field of basic science research.


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20