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IBS Conferences
100 kHz Pump Laser 게시판 상세보기
Title of announcement 100 kHz Pump Laser
Business forms Foreign Capital Expiration date for bidding 2017-03-20 14:00
Department in charge 구매자산팀 Registration Date 2017-03-06 Hits 1126
att. docx 파일명 : Bid Summary.docx Bid Summary.docx
hwp 파일명 : 구매규격서.hwp 구매규격서.hwp
docx 파일명 : General_Instructions_to_Bidders.docx General_Instructions_to_Bidders.docx

Bid No. 2017 – B005

Bid Summary

1. Bid Schedule



Closing Time and Date of Bid Proposal

Opening Time and Date of Price Proposal


100 kHz Pump Laser

1 Set

14:00, Mar

20, 2017

Bidders will be notified of the time and date after their technical proposals are evaluated.

Procurement & Asset Management Team, IBS

3rd floor, KT2 R&D Center

70, Yuseong-daero 1689-gil

Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea


2. Estimated Price : USD 75,500

3. Bid Type : Competitive Bid


4. Award of contract : Two-envelope Bidding

A. The lowest bidder who passed the technical evaluation will be awarded the contract.

B. If two or more bidders pass the technical evaluation and propose prices which exceed the estimated price, a re-bid may occur.

5. Bid Bond

A. Bidders shall pay an amount of not less than 5% of the bid price to IBS in cash (or certified checks) or guarantee insurance policy for the bid bond by the closing Time and date of bid proposal.

B. If the successful bidder fails to sign the contract without just cause within 10 days from the award date, the ownership of the bid bond will be transferred to IBS.

6. Proposal Documents

A. Bid Application(Form in General Instructions to Bidders)

B. Bid Bond

C. A copy of Certificate of Business Registration

D. A copy of Corporation Registration (or Residence Registration of the business owner if the person is self-employed)

E. A copy of Agency Agreement

F. A copy of Manufacturer’s Certificate or Supplier’s Certificate

G. Technical Proposal( including catalogues)

H. Price Proposal(sealed & signed)

7. Delivery Terms : F.C.A 

8. Instructions to Bidder

A. The Bid proposal is completed by submitting the necessary documents in person to the Procurement & Asset Management Team of IBS by the closing time and date. Submission by international mail is allowed only when the bidder is residing outside Korea and documents that arrive after the deadline will not be considered.

B. All prospective bidders must be completely aware of the General Instructions to Bidders and the Technical Proposal before submitting their proposals.

9. Inquiry

A. Bid Proposal : Procurement & Asset Team (Hyun Sub Joo, +82 42-878-8255, hyunseop@ibs.re.kr)

B. Commodity Description and Technical Requirements : Center for Relativistic Laser Science (Young Jae Park, +82 62-715-4703, pyj0694@ibs.re.kr)

C. Please contact the corruption center if IBS crew asks money or other valuables, treats.

- Contact point : IBS Homepage Corruption-Free IBS Apply


Mar 6, 2017

Institute for Basic Science


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Procurement and Asset Management Team : Park Joo Won   042-878-8175
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20