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IBS Conferences
IBS President's Opening Remarks (2015 IBS Research Conference) 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS President's Opening Remarks (2015 IBS Research Conference)
Department President Registration Date 2015-11-18 Hits 10884

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to welcome you to the 2015 IBS Research Conference at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST).

I would like to thank Gi-hyeon Kim, mayor of Ulsan for being here with us to deliver today’s congratulatory remarks. I am also grateful to Moo-young Jung, president of UNIST for his strong support to make this conference possible. My gratitude also goes to today’s keynote speaker, Kian Ping LOH, professor of the National University of Singapore.

The IBS Research Conference is held around this time every year in celebration of our institution’s foundation day, November 21st, and today marks the conference’s 3rd anniversary. The fact that this year’s conference takes place at UNIST, home to 3 IBS Centers makes it all the more meaningful. UNIST has been successful in bringing three prominent scientists from overseas to Korea and having them lead IBS Centers. I believe such an attempt to attract and retain top scientists internationally will go a long way in establishing IBS as a globally leading research institution. I look forward to more opportunities to work with UNIST and also would like to extend my sincere gratitude for its continued support.

The theme of our conference, “Communicating Science, Shaping the future” exemplifies IBS’ strong desire to promote meaningful conversation among the public as well as scientists and scientific institutions, to drive the innovation and prosperity of our society.

The 2015 IBS Research Conference features several substantial programs planned to highlight key elements of research themes and activities at IBS. With special lectures and topic sessions provided by leading scientists, the 2015 IBS Research Conference will provide an ideal forum to share your research outcomes and keep you up-to-date with recent research trends. Also please note that the “Art in Science” session opens today and is a unique opportunity to be immersed in the artistic beauty of scientific images.

Today, with the opening of the 2015 IBS Research Conference, we continue our endeavor to live up to IBS’ mission statement, “Making Discoveries for Humanity & Society”. I hope you make the most of this unique opportunity to engage with leading scientists and enjoy your time here with us.

Once again, let me thank you all for being here with us this morning. Your presence makes this conference all the more successful.

Thank you.


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