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IBS Conferences
Inaugural Address by the 3rd President NOH Do Young 게시판 상세보기
Title Inaugural Address by the 3rd President NOH Do Young
Department President Registration Date 2019-11-26 Hits 2877

Inaugural Address by the 3rd President Noh Do Young

Monday, November 25, 2019

IBS Science Culture Center

President Kim Doochul, President Moon Kil-choo of the University of Science and Technology, Secretary General Hong Nam-pyo of the National Research Foundation of Korea, President Chung Soon-yeong of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Directors of IBS Research Centers, Director Kwon Myeun of the Rare Isotope Science Project, And my fellow researchers and colleagues, Good morning. I stand here today as the third President of IBS.

I have always admired both the first IBS President Oh Se-Jung and the second President Kim Doochul as great professors and fellow scientists. Looking back at the long and winding road that they traveled to build and advance IBS, I am humbled by the task before me as the new IBS President.

It is my great honor to attend today’s Farewell and Inauguration Ceremony with President Kim. Thanks to his hard work and dedication he has shown during his five-year term, IBS has taken a big leap forward in a short period of time. Despite some difficult internal and external situations, he has laid a solid foundation for world-class basic science research to be performed here at IBS. Under his leadership, IBS has achieved world-class research outcomes as reflected in its excellent publication record. Recently, seven IBS researchers have ranked as the top one percent of researchers as determined by citations of their papers within their respective fields according to the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers List. Nature Index and other bibliometric analysis for highly cited papers also reflect the significant contribution IBS researchers are making to the global scientific community. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to President Kim for his leadership and dedication that led to these excellent outcomes. Thank you President Kim.

My gratitude also goes to President Oh, who is unfortunately not here today, but the steps he had taken as the first President of IBS to bring the world’s best scholars to IBS as directors are highly admirable and commendable.

My fellow IBS researchers and colleagues,
As more detailed plans for IBS research programs and institutional management now underway will continue to take shape and will be presented throughout my term, I would like to take this opportunity to share my personal philosophy and strategies for IBS on this auspicious occasion.

As the national basic science research institute, IBS’ vision statement charges us to make new discoveries for humanity and society. Our success depends on how much new discoveries will be made. I believe the whole country would agree with this as IBS’ mission. They may have different priorities when it comes to investment in basic science, but no one is fundamentally opposed to investment in basic science. As a scientist working in basic science and now as the President of the top basic science research institute in South Korea, I am deeply grateful for the unconditional support from the nation and I will take their call as my personal vocation.

Another important task for IBS is to cement its identity as a national basic science institute. Since its establishment, the institute has faced questions and criticisms over its identity as whether it is a funding agency or a series of large-scale research projects. I’m committed to address this issue by not leaving any room for misunderstanding and helping the academic and research community, and the government to gain a deeper understanding of IBS. I will make IBS not to be the target of other basic scientists in South Korea, but become a national basic science research institute where scientists go hand in hand with each other and no one questions its presence.

While continuing the HQ Research Center-driven policy, Campus and Extramural Research Centers act as a part of IBS and will therefore also share and reinforce IBS’ identity. Ensuring directors and researchers feel a sense of belonging within IBS is a crucial element for institutional development. Allowing each IBS Research Center and its researchers to feel truly valued will help them to fulfill their own missions.

IBS pursues long-term and group research. Through long-term research on topics that are difficult for individual researchers to accomplish in a short period of time, IBS strives to become the world’s leading research institute that creates a new field of science and benefits mankind. This aspect of long-term and group research will be reinforced while maintaining the scale of Research Centers and diversity of research methodology. I strongly believe that this effort will make IBS’ identity and our roles more salient and better lead a balanced basic science research ecosystem.

Next year, the eight-year review of Research Centers will take place to assess the direction of future developments. As IBS Centers have received unprecedented support from the nation, a rigorous review will be undertaken. The findings of the review will be used to provide constructive feedback to Research Centers for their future directions. The eight-year review will allow each Research Center to map out a clear future strategy and take IBS one step closer to being a world-leading research institute.

Another important but challenging task before us is to successfully complete the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP), one of IBS’ core research facilities. Concerns have been raised as to whether the Project can be completed in 2021 as planned, or whether it can be widely used after its completion. Though the Project has been managed as a part of the International Science and Business Belt Program, separated from IBS Research Centers, it is a crucial research facility that is clearly a part of IBS. In order to ensure the completion of the Project, I will work closely with Director Kwon. Two weeks ago, Director Kwon presented a RISP Progress Report at the International Conference on Accelerator and Beam Utilization (ICABU) which I also attended as a chair. Listening to his presentation, the Project looks quite promising. I will make sure to accurately gauge and share the progress of the Project for increasing transparency. I hope my personal experience building and running an accelerator for synchrotron radiation will be helpful.

My fellow IBS researchers,
IBS provides opportunities for young scientists with creative ideas and aspirations to challenge and explore to work across boundaries. I will make sure to keep this spirit by attracting excellent young scientists to IBS as directors and researchers. IBS directorship requires not only excellence and leadership but also an ambitious and challenge-driven mindset. I will ensure that IBS’ research and work environment are its best level where all our young researchers are provided with reasonable compensation and wide variety of opportunities to explore their research ideas and career development.

IBS grants directors with full autonomy and independence to organize and run their Research Centers. The autonomy and independence given to directors in budget operations and Center management require constant vigilance and responsibilities. I will firmly uphold this principle of autonomy in research granted to directors and reinforce the administrative support system that allows directors to focus on their research without other burdens. I will reform the existing research support system to lighten the administrate burden on directors and researchers and, at the same time, root out any causes of ethical issues in research.

My fellow IBS members,
As the new President of IBS, I would like to communicate and closely interact with all members of IBS regardless of their positions. IBS prides itself on its diverse members working hard at their jobs. I will value opinions from each IBS member, from directors, researchers, admin staff, and students to support personnel. I will make sure all your opinions are heard when making important decisions. I will try to reconcile conflicting opinions and will stand for a good cause.

Making IBS to become the world’s best basic science institute will keep this nation secure, especially the future of the nation. If we fail, our country will lose its fertile ground for basic science research, which is essential for national security. Thus, we must not fail, but succeed.

In order to advance IBS to the next stage of its development, I will faithfully perform my duties bestowed upon me as the new President. I will uphold the founding spirit of IBS and encourage all IBS members to take pride. I pray that I can successfully lead this great journey with you.

Thank you.


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