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New Year Message from the President of IBS 게시판 상세보기
Title New Year Message from the President of IBS
Name President Registration Date 2015-01-02 Hits 3704
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New Year Message from thePresident of IBS

2015 will be the Year IBSTakes its First Great Leap Forward with “IBS 2.0”

My IBS family,

2015, the Year of theSheep is upon us.

I would like to thankyou all including our members at IBS research centers for your dedication andhard work. Though it has been just over 100 days since my inauguration as theIBS president, I have seen great achievements made possible at IBS all thanksto the relentless efforts shown by you.

As of the end of 2014,24 IBS research centers have been launched and now up and running, exploringthe unknown world and making new discoveries. Many IBS research centers havealready been raising their profiles in the world with top researchachievements.

Efforts to construct IBSresearch center buildings and a rare isotope accelerator have gained momentumsince the government finalized the construction plan for the central districtof the International Science and Business Belt (ISBB). The ISBB VisionDeclaration, which was held last November reminded us of what IBS stands forand has been entrusted with as a leader in opening a new chapter in the historyof basic science in Korea.

Though we are relativelya new research institute, the world is already paying attention to us. A numberof national research institutions and scientific organizations have reached outto us to develop and strengthen long-term partnerships.

All of theseachievements are a result of your passion and commitment.

IBS family,

For the past threeyears, we have been able to lay the foundation for the stable operation of IBSby making every effort at every level. As we pass the “foundation stage”, it istime for us to set new resolutions and goals in order to make a great leapforward.

I would like to use theterm “IBS 2.0” to describe what I envision for the future of IBS. I want toshare with you the new resolutions and goals we will seek to accomplish inorder to make 2015 the year in which wewill first realize the vision of “IBS 2.0”, and in doing so, allow IBS toevolve into a greater research institute.

Firstly, I will make sure that the construction ofresearch centers and a rare isotope accelerator, which are needed for IBS tobecome a global research institute, goes off smoothly and without a hitch.

The IBS complex will bebuilt at the center of Daejeon city, the central district of the ISBB with itsworking design scheduled for completion by the end of 2015. Its location andsurroundings enable IBS to tap into the city’s infrastructure, promote localdevelopment and attract excellent scientists. I am very confident to say thatwhen completed, the IBS complex will become a landmark for Korea’s basicscience that the county, as well as Daejeon city may take pride in.

I will also make surethat the construction of a rare isotope accelerator, which includes theconstruction of facilities as well as R&D programs for the construction ofdevices, continues to proceed on the right track in order to develop theinfrastructure into the world’s most successful research base.

Second, IBS will enhance national prestige bydelivering top basic research achievements and strive to foster thenext-generation leaders in research.

From the beginning, oneof its missions has been to make new discoveries that will enhance humanwelfare as well as to contribute to national development by pursuing creativeand adventurous research in basic science. IBS will continue to maintainthorough evaluation processes to select top scientists as IBS directors. As IBSdirectors will be guaranteed full support and autonomy, they are able to pursueresearch that is otherwise not available outside of IBS.

In particular, IBS willaggressively seek to foster young scientists who will lead the future of basicscience for the country as well as for IBS.

Third, I will ensure that IBS gains the trust ofthe scientific community and is recognized as one of its members.

IBS is still not immuneto misunderstanding and controversy over research funds and the selection ofresearch centers. This challenging time requires us to be ever more responsibleand dedicated to our work and to ensure high-quality research and transparentresearch expenditure.

We also need tocommunicate more often with researchers outside of IBS and gain the generalunderstanding of the concrete role that IBS plays in advancing the country’sbasic science. All IBS HQ employees, including myself, will come forward to letpeople know what IBS really stands for; I would also like to ask all ourresearch center members to join in this effort.

Fourth, IBS will be reorganized to provide aresearch support system of the highest standard and create an optimal researchatmosphere to ensure research of the highest quality.

IBS HQ will berestructured with the Division of Research Support at the forefront of IBS HQto put more emphasis of its support system on researchers, creating an optimalresearch environment that is comparable to other global research institutions.

I would like to ask allIBS HQ employees to share this mindset: we only can create a better researchenvironment and enhance the quality of research when the IBS support system isup to the global standard. You play an important role in this historicalmission, so please take pride in achieving this goal.

Last but not least, IBS will be more open to communication. 

I cannot emphasizeenough the importance of communication for us to move forward. Since thebuildings for HQ research centers have not yet been built and campus andextramural research centers are scattered all over the country, the lack ofcommunication has been inevitable within IBS, resulting in inefficiency of workperformance and misunderstanding.

To facilitate effectivecommunication, I will make numerous occasions for us to meet, socialize, andunderstand each other. With a better understanding of each other, we will bemore united as one IBS family. It is also my belief that frequent and effectiveexchanges will inspire us to be more creative, whether it be support staff orresearchers.

My dear IBS family,

When we work together,we can achieve far more than we expect.

Let us work hand in handthis year.

I wish you all the bestand good luck for 2015.

Thank you.

January 2, 2015

Doochul Kim

President of IBS


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