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IBS Conferences
Advanced Study Group Organised by PCS 게시판 상세보기
Title Advanced Study Group Organised by PCS
Name Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems Registration Date 2015-07-01 Hits 3589
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Advanced Study Groups will further advance the interaction and exchange between outstanding scientists
and young researchers. The work focuses on a modern and important topics in the broad field if the Theoretical
Physics of Complex Systems. Research work will be accompanied by active discussions, scheduled seminars and

Many Body Localization, Nonergodicity, and All That

Coordinators: Boris Altshuler (Columbia University, New York), Sergej Flach (IBS PCS, Daejeon) 
Dates: June 23 - July 31 2015
Location: IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, South Korea
Participants: Igor Aleiner, Joshua Bodyfelt, Richard Berkovits, Sergey Denisov, Lara Faoro, Lev Ioffe, Antonio Politi, Emil Yuzbashyan, Xiaoquan Yu

This activity will actively discuss and work on recent advances in the physics of many-body localization in all
its quantum and classical facets. In particular potential regimes of nonergodic metallic phases will be critically
explored in the light of such further concepts as Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser regime, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam paradox,
Arnold web and diffusion, amongst others.


Thu 25.6. Discussions and work
Fri 26.6. 3pm Richard Berkovits, Tutorial on Entanglement and Density Matrix Renormalization Group methods
Tue 30.6. 2pm Richard Berkovits, Entanglement Properties and Quantum Phase Transitions in Many Body Disordered One Dimensional Systems
Thu 2.7. Discussions and work 
Fri 3.7. Discussions and work
Sat/Sun 4/5.7. Free time
Mon 6.7. Discussions and work

Tue 7.7. 2pm Igor Aleiner, The internal structure of a vortex in a two-dimensional superfluid with long healing length
Tue 7.7. 4pm Lev Ioffe, TBA
Wed 8.7.,2pm Boris Altshuler, TBA
Wed 8.7.4pm Lara Faoro, Information paradox in chaotic solid state systems: Study of a toy model
Thu 9.7. 2pm Xiaoquan Yu, Non-Gibbs phases, self-trapping and nonlinear wave spreading in disordered DNLS chains
Thu 9.7. 4pm Sergey Denisov, Anomalous perturbation spreading in two-dimensional nonlinear lattices
Thu 9.7. 7pm ASG dinner Fri 10.7. Discussions and work Sat/Sun 11/12.7. Excursion, Free time Mon 13.7. Discussions and work

Tue 14.7. 2pm Antonio Politi, Coupled transport in chains of oscillators
Tue 14.7. 4pm Emil Yuzhbashyan, Proof of generalized microcanonical ensemble for integrable Hamiltonian dynamics
Wed 15.7. Discussions and work
Thu 16.7. Discussions and work
Fri 17.7. Discussions and work
Sat/Sun 18/19.7. Free time 
Mon 20.7. Discussions and work
Tue 21.7. Discussions and work 
Wed 22.7. Discussions and work 
Thu 23.7. Discussions and work

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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20