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IBS Conferences
Renowned Scientist Lecturers on Einstein’s Amazing Universe 게시판 상세보기
Title Renowned Scientist Lecturers on Einstein’s Amazing Universe
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2016-05-06 Hits 3135
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Renowned Scientist Lecturers on Einstein’s Amazing Universe

- A public lecture by Professor Michael Turner will take place at Ewha Womans Univeristy, Seoul on May 10 -

About a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of spacetime but their observation was only confirmed quite recently. This discovery was met by fervent clamor throughout the scientific community and the enthusiastic response swept across the globe because his vision of interwoven and dynamic universe has been fulfilled. Einstein is a pioneer of modern physics and his theory of relativity made an enormous contribution to the human understanding of the universe. The world-renowned astrophysicist Michael S. Turner will present a public lecture, titled ‘Einstein's Amazing Universe’, on Tuesday, May 10 at 5 p.m. The lecture, conducted in English, by the Chair Professor at the University of Chicago will take place at the ECC Theater of Ewha Womans University in Seoul (B4 of the ECC Building).You can attend this lecture, tailor-made for an easier understanding of the theory of relativity: the main key to the universe's mystery.

Professor Turner will explain the influence of the concepts abstracted from the theory of relativity - black holes, the Big Bang theory, and gravitational waves - on our understanding of the universe. In addition, questions and ongoing research related to the discovery of gravitational waves will be shared with the audience. This lecture is expected to touch heavily on the observation of gravitational waves as their successful detection a couple of months ago has become a major issue, drawing keen attention from one with even a most casual interest in science and the universe.

Professor Turner is the director of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics within the University of Chicago since 2010 and previously served as the president of the American Physical Society (APS).

The lecture accompanies the 11th Astroparticle Physics International Forum (APIF) meeting organized by the IBS's Center for Underground Physics held in Seoul on May 9. APIF was established by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developments (OECD) Global Science Forum as a venue for consultations among senior science policy officials of OECD member countries. APIF has been chaired by Professor Turner since 2011.

The OECD Astroparticle Physics International Forum brings together officials and representatives of funding agencies of approximately 20 countries including Korea, Japan and the Netherlands that make significant investments in astroparticle physics research. These experts in astroparticle physics meet twice each year to share global research trends and place special emphasis on strengthening international cooperation. Director of the Center for Underground Physics, KIM Yeongduk attended previous meetings and his Center will host the meeting this year.


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