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IBS Conferences
IBS Director KIM Jin-Soo of the Center for Genome Editing Speaks at the 2016 Maeil Business Newspaper Economists Club 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Director KIM Jin-Soo of the Center for Genome Editing Speaks at the 2016 Maeil Business Newspaper Economists Club
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2016-05-20 Hits 3648
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IBS Director KIM Jin-Soo of the Center for Genome Editing Speaks at the 2016 Maeil Business Newspaper Economists Club

KIM Jin-Soo, Director of the IBS Center for Genome Editing delivered his talk on the latest research trends and application developments of genome editing, along with its future prospects at the 2016 Maeil Business Newspaper Economists Club* on May 17.

▲ IBS Director KIM Jin-Soo of the Center for Genome Editing Speaks at the 2016 Maeil Business Newspaper Economists Club on May 17.

In his opening remarks, CHANG Dae-whan, chairman of the Maekyung Media Group said, “My recent visit to the Hongneung Science and Technology (S&T) Complex has reminded me of the importance of S&T. Since genome editing is such a revolutionary technology, today’s talk is expected to spark a lot of discussions and enthusiasm.”
Recognized as a powerful genome editing tool, CRISPR genome-editing technology was hailed as the “Breakthrough of the Year” by the editors of the journal Science. Nature selected Chinese researcher HUANG Junjiu as one of their 10 people who mattered in 2015 for being the first to use CRISPR Cas9 to edit the DNA of human embryos. Beginning his talk with the history and fundamental principles of genome editing technologies, Director Kim emphasized their application values. By explaining a multiple of the technique’s applications like treating genetic diseases –sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, etc. – as well as removing HIV from human immune cells, Kim furthered the audience’s understanding as to how the technique works.
Director Kim also alluded to how CRISPR can make certain genes work better: “Before 1960, the world’s most? exported banana was the Gros Michel, which was tastier and bigger than the Cavendish banana, the banana we eat today. The Gros Michel went virtually extinct in the 1960s due to invasive and incurable fungus that wiped out most of its plantations around the world. Now the Cavendish banana is also facing extinction as deadly fungus spreads.[1] CRISPR can prevent the imminent extinction by editing out genes that are prone to getting fungus infection.”

▲ Director Kim grabbed the audience’s attention with his insightful explanations of the history and fundamental principles of genome editing technologies.

Director Kim’s lecture ignited an explosion of questions and discussions. One of the questions asked referred to Korea’s current regulatory system regarding genome editing, especially in light of the U.S. government’s recent approval of genetically engineered apples and salmon for consumption. Kim said: “The U.S. government has kept an open policy toward new technologies so that they take root and develop in the U.S. market,” This, the Korean scientist said, highlights sthe need for discussions on a more open regulatory system in Korea.

Regarding Korea’s status in terms of its research capacity in the field of genome editing compared to global laboratories, Director Kim said Korean scientists have demonstrated quality of research and outstanding performance despite a smaller scientific workforce. In line with this, Director Kim has shown great confidence and pride in his research group, saying it is the only laboratory in the world that has been studying genome editing from the 1st to the 3rd generations.

* The Maekyung Economists Club was founded by Korea's leading media organization Maekyung Media Group in 1981 as a gathering of about 130 opinion leaders to share and discuss ideas regarding major issues. The members include pervious and current government officials, business leaders, and academic professionals.

[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bananas-extinction-cavendish-panama disease_us_565eb2d3e4b08e945fed6712


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