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IBS Director HYEON Taeghwan Honored with Korea Best Scientist Award 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Director HYEON Taeghwan Honored with Korea Best Scientist Award
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2016-07-14 Hits 3010
att. jpg 파일명 : hyun.JPG hyun.JPG

IBS Director HYEON Taeghwan Honored with Korea Best Scientist Award

- Award given in recognition of his extraordinary achievements in designing and synthesizing nanoparticles on a large scale. -

HYEON Taeghwan, director of the IBS Center for Nanoparticle Research (CNR) and professor at Seoul National University (SNU), received the 2016 Korea Best Scientist Award on the 13th of July, at KOEX, Seoul.

The award is granted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) and the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) in the name of the president of Korea. The award recognizes scientists and engineers who have made R&D achievements that increased the visibility of Korea in the global scientific community, or who have contributed to Korea’s national development and betterment of people.

Director Hyeon received the award along with POSCO’s CEO KWON Oh-Jun, from 1st Vice Minister of the MSIP HONG Nam-Ki, at the 50th Anniversary Ceremony of the KOFST/ Opening Ceremony of the World Conference of Scientists and Engineers in Seoul.

Director Hyeon is a leading scientist in the field of nanomaterials. He is renowned for his exceptional research on the large-scale synthesis of uniform nanoparticles and designing them for medical applications. He has released 287 publications that have garnered world-wide attention, evidenced by more than 34,000 citation counts.

"All credit should go to my research partners and students who have worked with me over the past 18 years," said director Hyeon. "I am vastly grateful to IBS, SNU and the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) for their unsparing support for my research. I’ll give back what I have received by helping my students and young scientists to grow into world-leading researchers."

▲ Director Hyeon and his wife with 1st Vice Minister of the MSIP Hong Nam-Ki


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