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2016 Art in Science 게시판 상세보기
Title 2016 Art in Science
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2016-11-18 Hits 4405
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2016 Art in Science

The Art in Science exhibit was held in conjunction with the Commemorative Event for the Fifth Anniversary of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) on November 17-18. In this second round of the Art in Science exhibit, 16 pieces of art were submitted by IBS scientists. Notably, the exhibit featured collaborative artworks between IBS scientists and Daejeon Museum of Art that exhibit the interplays between science and art. The Art in Science exhibit will continue to open until December 18 at the Art Center of the Daejeon Museum of Art.

The Pond

The Pond

by Junyeop Roh (Researcher)
Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions

Claude Monet has been immortalized by his renowned painting of the pond dotted by colorful water lilies. When calcium-binding proteins (Parvalbumin, in red), synaptic proteins (PTP delta, in green) and DNA (in blue) are stained in the layer 2/3 of mouse medial prefrontal cortex region, the resultant image is remarkably reminiscent of the masterpiece. The medial prefrontal cortex has been extensively studied as the region mediating social behavior, decision making and, in humans, personality expression.

Milky Way in the Brain

Milky Way in the Brain

by Haram Park (Researcher)
Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions

The hippocampus is the "sea horse" shaped structure located bilaterally within mammalian brain. It is part of the limbic system, and is thought to contribute to information consolidation, spatial memory, and both short and long term memory. In the image, we stained star-shaped astrocytes, known as astroglia in the hippocampal region of the brain with GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein. The stained cells are represented in white and they look like white stars set within a contrastingly dark background, akin to the milky way observed in the night sky.

The Nose of Plant

The Nose of Plant

by Taek Han Yoon (Researcher)
Center for Plant Aging Research

Plant's respiratory organs are called 'stomata'. They are responsible for photosynthesis and therefore are essential to the life of most of the species on Earth. Via Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy imaging technique, we were able to reveal that stomata are shaped like a heart....maybe a hint to Mother Earth's love?

Drowning Lung

Drowning Lung

by Seung-Jun Lee (Researcher), Gou Young Koh (Director)
Center for Vascular Research

The image is a visualization of vascular leakage in the lungs of a mouse model of sepsis. An infection or injury can lead to sepsis where severe inflammatory response and vascular leakage occur throughout the body. These septic challenges lead to multiple organ failure, including accumulation of fluid in the lungs. We have demonstrated the beneficiary role of the endothelial tyrosine kinase receptor Tie2 in ameliorating vascular leakage and sepsis.

Dart of CRISPR Accuracy

Dart of CRISPR Accuracy

by Daesik Kim (Researcher), Jungeun Kim (Researcher), Jin-Soo Kim (Director)
Center for Genome Engineering

This image represents the specificity of recently developed tools for genome editing and became the cover of the prestigious journal Nature Biotechnology: like in the game of darts, the closer to the center, the better the result. We performed a test called Digenome-seq, devised to identify if three DNA-cutting proteins where targeting wanted or unwanted DNA sites throughout the genome. The genome-wide analyses showed that the proteins of the Cpf1 family were highly specific, showing fewer unintended cleavages: 6 for LbCpf1 (in blue) and 12 for AsCpf1 (in red), compared to another protein called Cas9 (in yellow), which cuts more than 90 wrong sites in the human genome. Our study shows the superior specificity of Cpf1 proteins.

Battle in Your Blood Vessel

Battle in Your Blood Vessel

by Joana Almaça (Researcher)
Center for Plant Aging Research

Cells in the pancreatic islets secrete several hormones, like insulin, playing a pivot role in regulating glucose concentration in our body. The insulin secretory function of pancreatic islet beta cells is robust with age, but in this image we found that inflammation of blood vessels in the same region caused impaired glucose regulation in aged mice. We used a red fluorescent marker to stain proteins (ICAM-1) present on the surface of the blood walls and a green marker to recognize a type of white blood cells called macrophage. The image looks like an intense fight between blood vessels and macrophages in pancreatic islets.

The Beauty of Evolution: the Structure of the Drosha Protein

The Beauty of Evolution: the Structure of the Drosha Protein

by Sung Chul Kwon (Research Fellow)
Center for RNA Research

A type of regulatory RNA called microRNA involved in almost all biological processes such as development, aging, cancer, differentiation and immune response, is generated by two consecutive processing steps involving Drosha and Dicer proteins. This figure shows the bottom part of a Drosha protein whose structure has been solved 12 years after its first identification. Drosha has the same backbone structure as Dicer (red and green), plus some unique regions (yellow and white). Thanks to this information, we can infer how Drosha diverged from the ancestral Dicer and obtained its new function.

Net for Saving Your Life

Net for Saving Your Life

by Jinkyung Park (Ph.D), Suji Choi (graduate student), Taeghwan Hyeon (professor), Dae-hyeong Kim (professor), Hye Jin Hwang (professor, MD)
Center for Nanoparticle Research

We wrapped the sick heart of rat with a mesh whose function resembles the cardiac electrical conduction system and mechanical properties. The mesh is made with a highly conductive silver nanowire/SBS rubber composite and it is designed with serpentine mesh pattern, so that it could detect electrical signals reliably on the moving rat heart without impeding the heart to relax. When the heart was electrically stimulated through the epicardial mesh, it reduced total ventricular activation time and improved heart contractions. The epicardial mesh was also able to deliver an electrical shock to terminate a ventricular tachyarrhythmia (excessive heart rate) in rats.

Graphene Hive

Graphene Hive

by Kyoungsoo Kim (Research Fellow)
Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions

A schematic picture showing the carbon structure formed by zeolites. Zeolites are a family of crystalline materials that consist of aluminum, silicon and oxygen (in light blue, blue and red), and may be structured as 3D micropores with diameter of less than 1 nanometer depending on the atomic configuration. We thought that such a porous system of zeolites would be ideal as a template for synthesizing a 3D graphene architecture. However, the synthesis of such structure was limited by the narrow pore aperture of zeolites. Recently, our research group came up with a method to easily form a carbon framework by using lanthanum catalysts embedded in zeolite pores, and achieved the synthesis of microporous graphene architecture (in gray) resembling a 3D network of carbon nanotube.

Poetic Calm Sea Made by Atoms

Poetic Calm Sea Made by Atoms

by Jeongjin Kim (Research Fellow)
Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions

What if graphene encounters the calm vibration of platinum atoms?
Platinum atoms in periodic arrays, too shy to show their individual naked appearance sustain their tenderly careful motion.
Vibrations covered by one of the most flexible yet strong materials, single-layered graphene, into a renewed surface structure.
Such a beautiful and elegantly small world not observable by the naked eye but captured by scanning tunneling microscope.
Two different materials, desiring to have an intimate relationship yet, forbidden by nature.
Beautiful hexagonal shapes at the interface of a microscopic world, waving softly on a sea of atoms.

Material World through Kaleidoscope

Material World through Kaleidoscope

by Beom Seo Kim (graduate student)
Center for Correlated Electron Systems

Molybdenum di-telluride (MoTe2) has drawn growing attention due to its application possibility. It has six-fold symmetry in the electronic structure due to its crystal structure. The electronic structure of MoTe2 was measured by angle resolved photoemission and images were constructed by folding constant energy contour of the experimental data. Each image represents constant energy contour at a specific binding energy. While the image drastically changes over different binding energies, the six-fold symmetry remains intact. The six-fold symmetry is reminiscent of the colors of a peacock or a view through a kaleidoscope.

The Scream of Electrons

The Scream of Electrons

by Shoresh Soltani (graduate student)
Center for Correlated Electron Systems

Portraits of electron pockets living in a peculiar quantum world on the surface of strontium titanate. These ghostly beings which resemble The Scream by Edvard Munch, reveal themselves when we shed synchrotron light on a flat, shiny and clean surface of an single crystal in very low temperature and ultrahigh vacuum. They are responsible for electrical conductance on the surface of an insulating strontium titanate crystal which is the basis of oxide electronics. Different colors in each image, speak for different electron densities.

Star in Platinum

Star in Platinum

by Jongkeun Jung (graduate student)
Center for Correlated Electron Systems

Platinum is not only a precious metal but also a useful material as a catalyst in chemical reactions. For example, it is used in automobiles as a catalytic converter. Its catalytic activity is determined by the surface properties such as the surface electronic structure. Experimental determination of its surface electronic structure is thus an important part of the catalysis research. The electronic structure can be measured using angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) technique in which photoelectric effect is utilized. The experimental data was taken by using synchrotron based ARPES. The Fermi surface data is star-shaped due to the underlying structural symmetry in the crystal structure. Images in the figure show constant energy contour data at different binding energies.

The Sun  Light Created by Human Hand

The Sun Light Created by Human Hand

by Hwang woon Lee (Research Fellow)
Center for Relativistic Laser Science

In this picture we show the moment when the ultra-high intense, ultra-short laser pulse is generated. It has approximately 4PW(petawatt, that is approximately 4 followed by 12 zeros horsepowers) one fortieth of the power that the Earth can collect from the Sun light (170 PW) in 20 femtoseconds (that is 20x10^-15 seconds or so, the time it takes a light pulse to travel through the one sixth of the human hair).

World of Diversity

World of Diversity

by Young-Im Kim (Research Fellow), Jihoon Choi (Research Fellow)
Center for Axion and Precision Physics(CAPP)

This work of art shows that various resonant modes are generated in a variety of sizes resonator visually. A resonator is a device that records a specific frequency and vibration using a resonance phenomenon that is amplified when a specific frequency is found. Various studies using such resonance phenomenon is being done. Resonance is a phenomenon that can be found everywhere in our world. In one of the resonator to various resonance modes exist similar to our world people have a variety of looks and emotions.

Chamber for the Mystery Matter

Chamber for the Mystery Matter

by Chang Hyon Ha (Research Fellow)
Center for Underground Physics

The photo shows the innermost view of the dark matter experiment, called COSINE, situated 700 meters below the surface at Yangyang underground laboratory. The cylindrical cells in the middle center encase ultra-pure NaI(Tl) crystals which are used to collect a faint light induced by the interaction of dark matter and the crystal nuclei. In order to distinguish the signal from external noise entering outside of the crystals, we position the crystals in a large chamber where all surfaces are laminated by reflective films that work like a mirror. Then, photons from the noise or any other light in the chamber can easily bounce back and forth and be contained, creating the exotic image.

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