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IBS Recruitment Fair in Boston, USA to Attract Outstanding Scientists 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Recruitment Fair in Boston, USA to Attract Outstanding Scientists
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2016-12-02 Hits 3170
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IBS Recruitment Fair in Boston, USA to Attract Outstanding Scientists

- Career Opportunity Reception at the 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit -

Under the slogan "Initiate your own research", the Institute for Basic Research (IBS) held a recruitment fair titled 'IBS Career Opportunity Reception' at the Sheraton Boston Hotel on November 29, as part of the 2016 Fall Meeting & Exhibit of the Materials Research Society (MRS) (November 27 to December 2).

Over 100 globally diverse researchers attended the fair which lasted from 19:00 to 21:00, and IBS offered introduction of itself and its research centers in the material field, as well as rich information on research conditions at IBS.

IBS President KIM Doochul, in his welcoming speech, encouraged young scientists to have the ambition to lead their own research projects saying, "At IBS, you can initiate independent research in an autonomous research environment." YOO Yung Joon, Head of the Division of Research Services, spoke about how IBS research centers are conducting group research bringing together directors, associate directors, group leaders, and research fellows. He stressed that their outstanding research outcomes come from the great teamwork comparable to the one demonstrated by the Captain Chesley Sullenberger, nicknamed "Sully" and his flight attendants. They successfully landed a damaged plane on the Hudson River and saved the lives of all 155 passengers in what the media has dubbed "The Miracle on the Hudson."

Steve Granick, Director of the Center for Soft and Living Matter, LEE Hyoyoung, Associate Director of the Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics, and YOO Dongwon, Research Fellow of the Center for Nanomedicine each presented talks on the current research activities at their Centers. Director Granick spoke about his own decision to move to Korea from the U.S. over two years ago, adding that researchers from diverse nationality and research fields are forming research groups at his research center. He made a great appeal to the attendees saying, "At IBS, you can dream big keeping the larger picture in mind like venture entrepreneurs on the basis of sufficient support."

Researchers participating in this event inquired about specific working conditions and joint research on a global scale. The attendees included MIT professors as well as early-career scientists. In addition to the career reception, IBS ran a promotional booth at the 'MRS Career Fair' for November 29 to 30, and more than 300 scientists were enrolled in the talent pool for IBS.

Meanwhile, IBS President met with Professor Philip Kim and Professor HAM Donhee (Harvard University) to discuss changes in the U.S. research environment on November 30. The following day, President Kim met Michael Gottesman, Deputy Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) located in Bethesda, where they spoke about joint academic events and research exchanges between NIH and IBS.

▲ IBS Presdient delivers his welcoming speech at the IBS Career Opportunity Reception in Boston, USA.

▲ YOO Yung Joon, Head of the Division of Research Services talks about group reasearch projects at IBS.


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