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Director Han Woong Yeom Elected as Fellow of American Physical Society 게시판 상세보기
Title Director Han Woong Yeom Elected as Fellow of American Physical Society
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2017-10-24 Hits 3509
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Director Han Woong Yeom Elected
as Fellow of American Physical Society

▲ Director Han Woong Yeom

Director Han Woong Yeom (Professor of Physics, POSTECH) of Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems at Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was elected as a Fellow of American Physical Society (APS), a world-renowned organization in physics.

APS is an academic organization with over 53,000 world-leading physicists as members, 0.5 percent of which are elected as Fellows each year. The fellowship selection committee of APS highly recognized Director Yeom’s marked academic contributions of advancing research on semiconductor surface physics and the electronic properties of epitaxial monolayer materials as well as identifying metal-insulator transitions in self-assembled atomic wires on silicon surfaces, a new class of quasi-1D charge-density-wave systems.

He recently proposed a new concept of information processing called solitonics based on his research of atomic wires, which consists of connected single atoms. Applying said concept to semiconductor technology, a new device that is dozens of times faster while using hundreds of times less power can potentially be developed.

Director Han Woong Yeom won 2015 Korea Science Award, 2016 Inchon Award for Science and Technology, 2017 Kyung-Ahm Award, and was selected as an Outstanding Referee of APS in 2010.


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20