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IBS starting the New Year with the 2018 Kick-off Meeting 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS starting the New Year with the 2018 Kick-off Meeting
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2018-01-02 Hits 3322
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IBS starting the New Year with the 2018 Kick-off Meeting

- President KIM Doochul promises to expand HQ Centers,
emphasizing a sense of responsibility -

IBS held the 2018 Kick-off Meeting at the HQ in Daejeon on January 2. President Kim Doochul took the stage and delivered New Year’s greetings, sharing the Institute’s direction for 2018. After the speech, he awarded outstanding employees and teams.

President Kim stressed that all IBS employees should hold a sense of responsibility as they look toward a fresh start at the new headquarters. “All members of IBS should be proud and feel responsible that we are leading the future of science at EXPO Science Park, a historic landmark. The theme of the EXPO, “The Road to a New Leap” still applies and IBS needs to embrace it,” said Kim.

He also applauded and commended IBS members by stating “The Institute’s international presence has grown significantly for the last six years and it would not have been possible without your dedication.” He also added, “We should always feel a great sense of responsibility for the support and venture beyond limitations.”

▲ In his speech, IBS President Kim Doocul underscored individual responsibility
and the mindset that employees need to uphold.

Triangle bullet points listed below are key points from his New Year’s speech.

  ▲ IBS’s relocation to EXPO Science Park will contribute in broadening the national basic science ecosystem.
  ▲ IBS is taking steps to become a global research institute by implementing the 2nd Five-year Plan starting in 2018.
  ▲ IBS will show what true team science looks like by reinforcing its group research system.
  ▲ IBS will expand HQ Centers and diversify types of Centers to foster both young and female scientists.
  ▲ IBS will live up to expectations of the Korean people and government on basic science, including Rare Isotope Science Project.

View the New Year’s Speech

Following the greetings, outstanding researchers, employees, and teams were honored with awards. Every year at Kick-off Meetings, staff and teams that have shown admirable research outcomes and great work are given awards and prizes. This year, the winners of the Outstanding Pre-inspection of Hazardous Substances Award by the National Research Safety Headquarters and the Safety Laboratory Certifications by the Ministry of Science and ICT were announced at the venue.

▲ Group photo taken after the award ceremony

After the award ceremony, IBS employees extended their own New Year’s greetings, celebrating the start of a new year.

List of Awards and Awardees

- Outstanding Researcher Award : Research Fellow JANG Ji-Ho of RISP Accelerator Engineering Team and Research Fellow NAM Shin-woo of RISP Facility & Safety Management Team
- Outstanding Employee Award : Senior engineering staff RA Won-Tae of Center for Relativistic Laser Science, senior admin staff HUR Jae-Jung of HQ Relocation Team in the Construction & Planning Center, senior admin staff YOO Joo-Hyun of Research Support Team in the Division of Research Services, senior admin staff BAE Dae-Woong of Strategy & Policy Team in the Division of Policy & Planning, Engineering staff OH Han-Bin of Information Technology Team in the Division of Administrative Services
- Outstanding Team Award : Audit Team, Research Evaluation Team of Division of Research Services, Human Resources Development Team of Division of Administrative Services
- Outstanding Pre-inspection of Hazardous Substances Award : Senior engineering staff RA Se-Jin of Center for Underground Physics
- Safety Laboratory Certifications : Center for Plant Aging Research and Center for Genomic Integrity


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