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IBS Conferences
Open Presentations on Achievements of IBS Research Centers 게시판 상세보기
Title Open Presentations on Achievements of IBS Research Centers
Name Research Evaluation Team Registration Date 2018-06-08 Hits 4270

Open Presentations on Achievements of IBS Research Centers

The Institute for Basic Science(IBS) is conducting 2018 performance reviews of IBS research centers from June 25. Since its foundation in 2011, IBS has served as a key research institute of the International Science Business Belt. The institute established and operates research centers to conduct the world’s highest level of basic science research. Out of the 28 IBS research centers, the three that commenced research in June-July 2013 are subject to this round of performance reviews. Multiple researchers representing each center will present major research outcomes achieved in the last five years. We would like to kindly invite researchers in relevant fields to attend the open presentations. The presentations will be held as per the following schedules:

□ Open presentation schedule of each research center (* All presentations will be delivered in English.)

Open presentation schedule of each research center
Dates Center name Director Location Research Area
June 25 (Mon) Center for Underground Physics KIM Yeongduk IBS HQ (Daejeon) Physics
July 3 (Tue) Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research KIM Seong-Gi Sungkyunkwan Univ. (Suwon) Interdisciplinary
July 16 (Mon) Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems YEOM Han Woong POSTECH (Pohang) Physics

□ Key contents
  ○ Introduction of research center & summary and general explanation of major research outcomes
  ○ Presentation of research details and achievements by each research group within the research center
  ○ Q&A

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Underground Physics

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) established and operates research centers in order to secure source technologies and nurture outstanding researchers by conducting the world’s highest level of basic science research. We would like to kindly invite researchers in relevant fields to attend the open presentation on achievements of the IBS Center for Underground Physics. The presentation will be held as per the following schedule:

□ Time: Monday, June 25, 2018, 9:30-11:10

□ Venue: Conference room(1F, #109), IBS HQ, Daejeon

□ Schedule

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Underground Physics
Time (min.) Title of Talk Speaker
Introduction of Center for Underground Physics KIM Yeongduk
Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Sterile Neutrinos
Search for dark matter with NaI(Tl) crystals LEE Hyunsu
(Associate Director)
Low-temperature detectors for underground astroparticle physics KIM Yong-Hamb
(Group Leader)

□ Contact: LEE Junyoung, Research Evaluation Team, IBS (042-878-8176, jylee@ibs.re.kr)

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) established and operates research centers in order to secure source technologies and nurture outstanding researchers by conducting the world’s highest level of basic science research. We would like to kindly invite researchers in relevant fields to attend the open presentation on achievements of the IBS Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research. The presentation will be held as per the following schedule:

□ Time: Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 10:30-12:40

□ Venue: #86120, N-Center 1F, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon

□ Schedule

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research
Time (min.) Title of Talk Speaker
Introduction of Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research KIM Seong-Gi
(IBS Director / SKKU Professor)
High-resolution fMRI at Ultrahigh Fields: Biophysics and Limit
Biomagnetism research using magnetic resonance imaging LEE Seung-Kyun
(IBS Unit PI / SKKU Assistant Professor)
Neurovascular Coupling in Normal and Diseased Brain SUH Minah
(IBS Unit PI / SKKU Professor)
Nanoscale imaging of mammalian axons CHOI Myunghwan
(IBS Unit PI / SKKU Assistant Professor)
Neuroimaging of Vision: From visual perception to high-level cognition SHIM Wonmok
(IBS Unit PI / SKKU Assistant Professor)

□ Contact: KIM Da Hye, Research Evaluation Team, IBS (042-878-8204, kimdahye@ibs.re.kr)

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) established and operates research centers in order to secure source technologies and nurture outstanding researchers by conducting the world’s highest level of basic science research. We would like to kindly invite researchers in relevant fields to attend the open presentation on achievements of the IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems. The presentation will be held as per the following schedule:

□ Time: Monday, July 16, 2018, 10:30-15:20

□ Venue: Auditorium (#106), POSCO International Center 1F, POSTECH, Pohang

□ Schedule

Open Presentation of IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems
Time (min.) Title of Talk Speaker
Activity Overview of Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems YEOM Han Woong
(IBS Director / POSTECH Professor)
Topological Excitations and Channels in 1D&2D Electronic Systems
Synthetic Low-Dimensional Electron Systems for Atomic-Scale Electronics and Photonics Platforms JO Moon-Ho
(IBS Associate Director / POSTECH Professor)
Optical Manipulation of Valley-coupled Spin Carriers Using 2D Materials and Topological Insulators CHOI Hyunyong
(PI of Outsourced Research / Yonsei Univ. Professor)
Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Materials KIM Bumjoon
(IBS Associate Director / POSTECH Professor)
Development of Atom-Modifiable Molecular Crystal Systems for Structure-Property Correlation Study CHOI Hee Cheul
(Former IBS Group Leader / POSTECH Professor)
Novel Electronic and Topological Properties of Low Dimensional Itinerant Magnets KIM Jun Sung
(IBS Research Fellow / POSTECH Professor)
Advanced Scanning Tunneling Miroscopy: Milli-Kelvin High Magnetic Field Scanning Tunneling Microscope HAM Ungdon
(IBS Research Fellow)
Current Status of Spin-Arpes Beamline KIM Jaeyoung
(IBS Research Fellow)
Functional Probing of Atomic Heterogeneity in Artificial Low-Dimensional Electronic Systems PARK Jewook
(IBS Research Fellow)

□ Contact: LEE Bee, Research Evaluation Team, IBS (042-878-8123, beelee@ibs.re.kr)


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Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20