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IBS launches the IBS Center for Complex Geometry 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS launches the IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2020-08-31 Hits 2239
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IBS launches the IBS Center for Complex Geometry

Exploring the interplay between differential and algebraic geometry, the IBS Center for Complex Geometry gears up to attack challenging problems and venture into untrodden areas

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) has announced the launch of a new research center in mathematics. Director HWANG Jun-Muk, a well-recognized and highly respected algebraic geometer of international renown, will lead the IBS Center for Complex Geometry. The new IBS Center will seek to investigate frontline research that lies at the crossroad of many branches of pure mathematics. With this new center, IBS now comprises 31 Centers in mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, Earth science and interdisciplinary research. (www.ibs.re.kr)

Director Hwang obtained a PhD from Harvard University. He held positions at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), the University of Notre Dame, and Seoul National University. Since 1999, Hwang has been a professor at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study and his research focuses on algebraic geometry and complex geometry.

Director Hwang is a highly original mathematician with a broad view on mathematics. He is well-known for the solutions of several long-standing problems, including the proof in 1999 of a conjecture of Lazarsfeld in algebraic geometry and the proof of the deformation rigidity of rational homogeneous spaces which he settled in a series of papers from 1997 to 2005. He made distinguished contributions in holomorphic symplectic geometry by the solution in 2008 of a problem raised by Matsushita and the proof in 2012 of a conjecture by Beauville. Hwang has made a breakthrough on Hirschowitz's conjecture on the formal principle, a problem on which little progress had been made since 1981 until his work in 2019.

Director Hwang has been awarded several prizes and honors, including two invitations to speak at the International Congress of Mathematicians, once as a section speaker in 2006 and again as a plenary speak, a rare honor, in 2014. He has been active as one of the leaders in world mathematics community, in particular, by serving as editors of several international journals, including Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, commonly referred to as Crelle’s Journal, which is the oldest mathematics periodical still in publication.

“Many interesting open problems remain to be solved in all areas of mathematics. Hwang Jun-Muk is ideally placed to progress further and make new contributions of fundamental importance in the domain,” says one of the review panel members. “Hwang is among the top two or three leaders globally in his field. To my knowledge, there is no contemporary whose work has been more significant,” notes another panel member.

In addition to his stellar research record, Director Hwang has also shown leadership with the large grant project “National Researcher” of National Research Foundation of Korea over the past 10 years, by mentoring a number of postdoc researchers. At the new IBS Center, Director Hwang will continue to foster frontline research in the field of complex geometry working with both mid-career and young scientists. The IBS Center for Complex Geometry is also expected to generate synergetic effects with the IBS Center for Geometry and Physics led by Director OH Yong-Geun.

“Complex geometry is a venerable subject in mathematics with a long history and many researchers worldwide. I hope the IBS Center for Complex Geometry will contribute to the field by developing our own original methodology. We aim to attack challenging problems and venture into untrodden areas.” says Director Hwang.

IBS President NOH Do Young comments, “Director Hwang presents a solid and systemic plan to foster new generations of experts in the field. No doubt that the IBS Center for Complex Geometry will serve as a stimulus for advancing the mathematics community at home and abroad.”

- Media Contact
Mr. Bae Daewoong, Head of Communications Team, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) (+82-42-878-8195, woongs@ibs.re.kr); or Ms. Dahee Carol Kim, Public Information Officer of IBS & Science Communicator (+82-42-878-8133, clitie620@ibs.re.kr).

- About the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
IBS was founded in 2011 by the government of the Republic of Korea with the sole purpose of driving forward the development of basic science in South Korea. IBS has 31 research centers as of September 2020. There are ten physics, three mathematics, six chemistry, six life science, one Earth science, and five interdisciplinary research centers.


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