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Director NAM Chang Hee and Associate Director KIM Chang Young, awarded on the Science Day 게시판 상세보기
Title Director NAM Chang Hee and Associate Director KIM Chang Young, awarded on the Science Day
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2020-04-22 Hits 811
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Director NAM Chang Hee and Associate Director KIM Chang Young, awarded on the Science Day

남창희 초강력 레이저과학 연구단장(왼쪽)과 김창영 강상관계 물질 연구단 부단장(오른쪽)
▲ Director NAM Chang Hee(left) and Associate Director KIM Chang Young(right)

In honor of the 2020 Science, Information & Communication Day, DirectorNAM Chang Hee of the IBS Center for Relativistic Laser Science, was awarded the Order of Science and Technology Merit Ungbi (3rd Class). Associate Director KIM Chang Young of the IBS Center for Correlated Electron Systems, was awarded the President’s Prize.

Every year since 1975, the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea has given awards on Science Day to those contributing to the development of science and technology and to boost morale among those in science and technology fields. In 2020, government awards were given to 79 recipients, including two IBS researchers; 26 medals, 9 prizes, 20 President’s prizes, and 24 Prime Minister’s prizes were awarded.

Director Nam was awarded the Order of Science and Technology Merit Ungbi in recognition of his contribution to raising the status of the domestic laser science sector. The IBS Center for Relativistic Laser Science, led by Director Nam, has established the groundwork for ultrahigh intensity laser-matter interactions with femtosecond (1fs is one quadrillionth of a second) PW lasers. The Center succeeded in generating the world’s most powerful lasers with 4PW of power (PetaWatt is equal to one quadrillion watts) in 2016.

Associate Director Kim, head of the Electronic Structures Team at the IBS Center for Correlated Electron Systems, has contributed to the commercialization of superconductors, by dramatically raising the critical temperature.


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20