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Director Rodney Ruoff and two others at IBS, honored with the Minister of Science and ICT Prize 게시판 상세보기
Title Director Rodney Ruoff and two others at IBS, honored with the Minister of Science and ICT Prize
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2019-12-30 Hits 528
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Director Rodney Ruoff and two others at IBS, honored with the Minister of Science and ICT Prize

The 2019 National R&D Performance Evaluation Awards Ceremony
▲ The 2019 National R&D Performance Evaluation Awards Ceremony

Director Rodney Ruoff of the IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, BAE Dae Woong, head of the Communications Team (IBS HQ), and KIM Hyemin , senior administrative staff of the Research Management Team (IBS HQ), were awarded the Minister of Science and ICT Prize at the 2019 National R&D Performance Evaluation Awards Ceremony.

Every year since 2003, to boost morale and honor among scientists and engineers and to motivate them to face challenges, the Ministry of Science and ICT has been rewarding individuals and institutions that created excellent outcomes. This year, a total of 139 persons were awarded; three of them were from the IBS.

Director Ruoff was recognized for his contribution to producing one of the top 100 best R&D achievements in the nation. The IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, led by Director Ruoff, developed a technology that turns affordable polycrystalline metal foils into high added value single-crystal metal foils. In November 2018, reports of the development were published in Science, a global academic journal.

Bae and Kim were awarded for their contributions to promoting the organizational evaluation, management, and distribution of research outcomes.


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20