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IBS Science Culture Center opened 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Science Culture Center opened
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2019-12-11 Hits 624
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IBS Science Culture Center opened

The opening ceremony of the IBS Science Culture Center
▲ The opening ceremony of the IBS Science Culture Center

The IBS Science Culture Center, where visitors can see, learn, and experience science, opened in the IBS headquarters located in Doryong-dong, Daejeon.

The event was attended by more than 200 domestic and foreign guests.

The IBS Science Library
▲ The IBS Science Library

The IBS Science Culture Center (“Science Culture Center”) is a space open to the public, run by the IBS, and established through a multilateral agreement between the MSIT, Daejeon City, and IBS. Located in the middle of the city, the IBS Science Culture Center is designed as a hub for interactions between scientists and the public through ea wide variety of cultural exhibits.

It comprises IBS Science Library, Art-In-Science gallery, and an IBS Outreach Hall on the first floor. Spaces for gatherings including aonference hall are available on the second floor. The Science Lounge on the third floor offers convenience facilities. The IBS Science Library boasts over 20,000 pieces of science-related materials, including books, documentaries, and international magazines. Among 3,700+ books in original language editions, over 60% of its collection are science books.

2019 IBS Art in Science :[Painting with a Sound Brush]
▲ 2019 IBS Art in Science :[Painting with a Sound Brush]

The IBS Outreach Hall features the history of IBS since its foundation in 2011, i research equipment, and IBS main research achievements. The Science Lounge on the third floor consists of the ‘Cinema Roof,’ a small movie theater, ‘Science Gallery,’ where visitors can use PCs or have group activities and discussions, and the ‘Garden Terrace,’ where visitors can enjoy the great view of the IBS headquarters and the ‘Hanbit Pagoda.’

IBS President NOH Do Young empathized in his congratulatory remark, “Opening of the IBS Science Culture Center today would not have been possible without the wholehearted support of the Ministry of Science and ICT and Daejeon City—with budget support and a free land lease.” IBS President Noh added, “the IBS Science Culture Center will serve as the outpost to spread the culture of science.”


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20