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IBS Conferences
Debate of the decade - Astroglia in Neuropatholgies : Role and functions 게시판 상세보기
Title Debate of the decade - Astroglia in Neuropatholgies : Role and functions
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2022-09-19 Hits 1694
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Debate of the decade - Astroglia in Neuropatholgies : Role and functions

After the grand success of the first installment of our Debate of the Decade series, we, at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS, Daejeon), are excited to invite you to participate and witness a session like never before, discussing the long-debated role and function of astroglia in neuropathologies.

Leading researchers in their fields, Dr. Michael V. Sofroniew (University of California, LA), Dr. Alexei Verkhratsky (University of Manchester) and Dr. C Justin Lee (IBS) will provide their valuable insight and present arguments about astroglial response and the net effect thereof in brain pathologies, followed by audience questions and comments. The details for the event are as follows:

  • ○ Title : Debate of the decade - Astroglia in Neuropatholgies: Role and functions
  • ○ Speakers : Dr. Michael V. Sofroniew, Ph.D (Professor, University of California, LA), Dr. Alexei Verkhratsky, Ph. D (Professor, University of Manchester) and Dr. C. Justin Lee, Ph.D (Director, Center for Cognition and Sociality, IBS)
  • ○ Date and Time : September 30th (Friday) 2022, 9.30am (Korean Standard Time; UTC + 8), 1.30am (UTC + 1, Manchester), September 29th (Thursday) 2022, 5.30pm (PDT LA Time; UTC - 7)
  • ○ Venue : IBS Science Culture Center (55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon)
  • ○ Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83296647653?pwd=VHoycUwzUkNqWkQrSE5RTG9ZZy9NQT09
  • ○ Meeting ID: 832 9664 7653; Password: 593630

Debate of the decade - Astroglia in Neuropatholgies : Role and functions


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20