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IBS discusses collaboration with German Research Foundation (DFG) 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS discusses collaboration with German Research Foundation (DFG)
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2023-04-24 Hits 553
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IBS discusses collaboration with German Research Foundation (DFG)

DFG President Katja BECKER and others visit IBS to discuss ways to strengthen joint research between the two countries’ universities

▲ IBS discussed the potential expansion of collaborative research with DFG on April 18th.
▲ IBS discussed the potential expansion of collaborative research with DFG on April 18th.

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) held a meeting with the German Research Foundation (DFG) to discuss ways to expand cooperation between the two countries. The meeting was held on April 18th at the IBS headquarters in Daejeon.

The DFG was established in 1951 to promote academic research in Germany. A delegation from the DFG, including President Katja BECKER, visited Korea this year to expand research cooperation between Korea and Germany. On the 17th, the Foundation toured the Center for Quantum Nanoscience located at Ewha Womans University, and the next day visited the IBS headquarters in Daejeon. Here the delegation met with key officials from the IBS including President NOH Do Young.

The IBS introduced the operational structure of the institution, the current status of domestic and international cooperation, and research achievements in various areas such as quantum materials, dark matter, infectious diseases, climate change, and neuroscience. The DFG also shared its method of operation and the research funding system. After the meeting, the DFG delegation toured the IBS Research Solution Center, which is equipped with world-class infrastructures such as a supercomputer and cryogenic electron microscopes (Cryo-EM).

President Becker said, “The DFG aims to expand international cooperation with Korea, which will be spearheaded by the German national IBS Center Directors who will foster further collaboration between German universities and IBS Centers.

IBS President Noh added, “I believe this meeting will serve as a cornerstone for continued close cooperation between IBS and the DFG.”

▲ The representatives from both the IBS and DFZ, including the IBS President NOH Do Young and DFZ President Katja BECKER.
▲ The representatives from both the IBS and DFG, including the IBS President NOH Do Young and DFG President Katja BECKER.


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20