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Director KIM V. Narry Signs the Charter of the Royal Society 게시판 상세보기
Title Director KIM V. Narry Signs the Charter of the Royal Society
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2023-12-05 Hits 791
att. jpg 파일명 : 캡처.JPG 캡처.JPG

Director KIM V. Narry Signs the Charter of the Royal Society

Adding to a 360-Year Historic Charter Signed by the Likes of Newton and Darwin

On November 22, Director KIM V. Narry of the IBS Center for RNA Research signed the charter of the Royal Society. The Royal Society is one of the world's most prestigious scientific academic organizations, and Director Kim was selected as the first-ever Korean member of the Royal Society in 2021. She participated in the charter signing ceremony at the Royal Society in London held during the "Korea-UK Science Forum".

Director KIM V. Narry taking a photo after signing the charter. From right: IBS President NOH Do Young, Alison NOBLE, Adrian SMITH, KIM V. Narry, and Mark WALPORT
Director KIM V. Narry taking a photo after signing the charter. From right: IBS President NOH Do Young, Alison NOBLE, Adrian SMITH, KIM V. Narry, and Mark WALPORT

The Royal Society, established in 1660, is one of the world's oldest academic organizations. It was founded with the goal of contributing to the development of natural science and human prosperity based on the exploration of useful knowledge about nature and technology. With approximately 1,800 members, it has produced around 290 Nobel laureates. Membership in the Royal Society is considered to be highly honorable due to its long-standing tradition and authority.

The Royal Society rigorously selects about 60 scientists annually as members, with only about 10 being foreign scientists. Director Kim, along with Professor LEE Sang Yup from KAIST, became the first Koreans to be selected as members of the Royal Society in 2021.

The charter signed by Director Kim is a historical document containing the signatures of all members for over 360 years since the establishment of the Royal Society. It includes the coat of arms of Charles II and the Royal Society. Signatures of historically significant scientists such as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein are also inscribed on this charter.

Director Kim signing the Royal Society Charter, which contains 360 years of history
Director Kim signing the Royal Society Charter, which contains 360 years of history

The Royal Society charter contains signature of all members since its establishment
The Royal Society charter contains signature of all members since its establishment

IBS Public Relations Team
William I. Suh


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20