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IBS and Riken to Enhance Global Research Collaboration between 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS and Riken to Enhance Global Research Collaboration between
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2024-01-24 Hits 468
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IBS and Riken to Enhance Global Research Collaboration between

- IBS and Riken to Enhance Global Research Collaboration between -

- MOU Signed for IBS-RIKEN Collaboration in Nuclear Physics on 1/25 -

IBS and RIKEN, representative national institutes for Korea and Japan respectively, have committed to strengthening global research collaboration between the two countries. IBS in partnership with Japan's RIKEN, hosted the "3rd RIKEN-IBS Joint Conference on Nuclear Physics" at the RIKEN Nishina Center over two days starting from the 25th. President NOH Do Young of IBS and President Makoto GONOKAMI of RIKEN will discuss strategic international cooperation and joint research plans at the meeting.

With the aim of advancing scientific development in both countries, the two institutions signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on 2015-11-25 and have since hosted joint conferences starting in 2016. The upcoming 3rd conference, focusing on nuclear physics, will provide a platform to share the outcomes of previous collaborative research efforts and discuss further progress. Attending this event will be President NOH Doyoung of IBS, Director Makiko NAKA of RIKEN, Director HAHN Insik of the IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies, Director Hiroyoshi SAKURAI of RIKEN Nishina Center, Managing Director HONG Seung Woo of the IBS Institute for Rare Isotope Science, and around 30 other participants.

Additionally, on the 25th, the IBS Institute for Rare Isotope Science will sign an MOU with RIKEN Nishina Center for joint research in nuclear physics. The RIKEN Nishina Center, known as a symbol of Japanese nuclear physics research for discoveries like the element 113, "Nihonium," has been operating the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) since the 1990s. Over the years, it has maintained a collaborative relationship with the IBS Center for Rare Isotope Science and the Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies through joint research and personnel exchange.

As research utilizing IBS's heavy-ion accelerator "RAON" begins in earnest this year, both institutions have pledged to further strengthen their collaboration on joint research conducted at RAON and RIBF through this agreement.

President Noh expressed, "The collaboration between IBS and RIKEN, leading national institutes in their respective countries, will provide a solid foundation for scientists from both countries to engage in international collaborative research in a friendly environment." He added, "I hope that this international cooperation will generate synergy and further enhance Asia's competitiveness in basic science research."

IBS Public Relations Team
William I. Suh

RIKEN-IBS 공동 콘퍼런스 포스터


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